Woat sorh on watpsx

223 18 7

(Um thanks, I was busy watching a green day music video I don't want an update thanks)

I was given a bottle of chocolate milk. Just a small bottle. I never excepted it to turn out like this.

My new otp is me and this bottle of milk. I haven't thought of a ship name yet but i'm getting there.

This might be a lesbian relationship but it's worth it. this milk is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I cannot.

I pack a bag with picnic stuff and set off to the park. she have a romantic brunch in the park. as kids pass us they give us dirty looks but I know their just jealous of our relationship.

It's a genuine relationship that should be taken seriously. I mean I know it's a new sexuality but it's real. that's just one more to add to the 6395 different types.

After we take a walk, we go home and watch a movie and my chocolate milk makes dinner.

It's called being milksexual.

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