Chapter 19

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I woke up realizing that I was extremly late...

Why, you ask?

How do I know, you wonder?

From which though did you think I've got such baseless ideas, you may wish to know?

Well, only because of a certain short superior from the ops squad with the most menacing stature almost as if a nightmare in human form, was standing right beside my bed. Yes, the one and only... the person of my nth nightmares and still counting.

His arms were crossed and he looked like he's about to spill some water on me if needed be.

So waking up, I realized that I've been asleep longer than expected. But the more I ponder why I was late to wake up, the sooner I realized the sudden cold and nauseating feeling as my world spins around like my first attempt on doing a reckless turn on my maneuver gear that sent me spinning on a branch for no apparent reason.

I coughed and pulled my blankets to my entirety. I was trembling and had to curl up sideway just to feel the warmth but still cold in my body. I groaned in pain just when I realize what I was doing. My healing injuries were aching when I curled up and it hurt so bad together with my head.

However, that second I did such a thing, I realized that the captain was still standing there, glaring at me for ignoring him so I did not spare a second and sat up, giving him a weak salute.

"Goodmorning captain." I coughed, shuddering from the cold I feel and the aching head made it worse.

He sighed, clicking his tongue probably in irritation as he stepped closer and shoved a hand on my forehead roughly almost making me lie back down but I persisted with what's left of my strength.

"Lie down, you idiot brat." He put pressure on my aching head and so I fell back down on my bed with a pained groan.

I did try to fight back, sitting up again and him doing his utmost effortless press on pushing me back down. "Sir, I need to fix your papers." I informed him seriously. Wow... I never knew I could be even more diligent.

"Then you start fixing yourself, shitty brat. You think you can even walk straight with that weak limbs of yours?" He frowned at my current disposition as I myself had no other choice but agree.

I sniffed. The cold, pain and nausea. Who would have thought that I'm going to suffer a fever on a day like this? I've never been this sick even if I was exposed to changing weathers back then, so why the hell am I sick now?

Given the circumstances, my fever was probably triggered because I kept moving around during the span of recovery. But that's just absurd... my body was trained to withstand such pain.

"Stop thinking." I flinched from the sudden flick on my nose. It made me blinked twice, surprised that I keep forgetting that there's a certain someone still standing beside my bed.

"Y-yes, sir." I coughed again.

Ah... it hurt so bad. I guess it's my fault for insisting that I need to work when I clearly need to be hospitalized.

"Sleep." He ordered again, putting something cold and comforting on my head. The soaked towel was easing up the head ache a little... but when the hell did he have that?

And why is he taking care of me?

I frowned.

Yes. I probably know the reason...

It's because he's the only one allowed to kill me as he quoted. Meaning, even sickness is not allowed to kill me...

Sighing in defeat, I closed my eyes again. Let's take this kind gesture and rest. Take advantage of captain's small generosity and stay alive until hè decides to kill me-- no. That's out of my options.

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