Chapter 06

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Your POV

I yawned, piling up the papers on captain who-keeps-on-ordering-me-to-death (I was definitely rolling my eyes here): Levi, was currently filling up and checking right now. It's been the nth times since I yawned that night, just keeping my lid up in case he's got another damn order to give. While he was busy nosing his own paper works, I decided to stretch my arm that has been aching from running around carrying papers to him from the first floor.

Eren was probably still stuck with Hanji who was telling him things about titan experiment that I so very much want to hear. I was even happy to chat about it with her, but not until the shorty captain glared at me. "Come with me you, shitty brat. You still have work to do." He said.

Yawning again, I turned to Levi who still had his nose on his paper works. "Captain, can I sleep now?" I asked sheepishly, my voice even sounded softer and huskily because of exhaustion. He stopped scribbling to his papers and glared at me. A glare that says, 'in your dreams, brat' as to my understanding, "Fine..." I sighed.

"It's not my fault you've got promotion that quick." He said as if saying the fault was mine.

I sat on the chair opposite to him, I weighed myself feeling the pain on the balls of my feet and the soreness of my arms and legs from running, carrying and cleaning around from my second day of working under his supervision. I didn't even get a proper sleep yesterday, and now I'm a workhorse.

"Yeah, yeah. Not your fault." I replied back. I'm more than annoyed than he is. What does he think he is? All he did was sit there and drink coffee anyway. My lids are already falling. "Captain, please give me some sleep." I complained.

"Want me to knock you out?" he asked back, clicking his tongue in annoyance. "If you don't have what it takes to be in the reckon corps, then just quit. No one's stopping you, lazy brat."

God! My body already hurts from being ordered around, why the hell would he say that?! "I'm sorry." I just gave a sheepish reply, despite the fact that I just took what he said in the heart to hate him.

"First thing in the morning, you will clean the stables. I don't like any unnecessary dirt." He looked at me again, finding me looking back at him in disbelief. "That's your punishment for complaining. If you're sorry, then show it." He said returning back to his job.

And it's confirmed. He really does hates me ever since our eyes met that day in Trost. Man, why the hell was I given such a devil superior? What have I done wrong? I clenched my fist lying on my lap, contemplating my nerves to calm down and just go with it. But since punishment is already set, I decided to lean my head on the table and just sleep my frustrations off.

I heard him called out to me, but who the hell cares? I need sleep. I even heard him say I should quit the scouting regimen, but I thought that was just a dream since my head already drifted away from reality.

Levi POV

And like that, she fell asleep on my desk. I watched her carelessly lying her head there, without a care in the world that made me feel annoyed to myself for thinking thoughts I shouldn't let through me while she was defenseless.

"Hey, shitty brat." I called out.

She hummed a response, unsure if she was awake or not. "I'll do whatever you want, dammit. Just shut it and let me rest." She purred, almost too huskily that made me feel a hotter atmosphere within the room.

I frowned, even surprised that she just told me that. "Don't talk back to me again, shitty brat. Or I'll punish you again." I said.

She didn't respond. I hissed, standing up to make my way towards her sleeping body. One arm leaning to my table while her head rested on it sideways. Her sleeping face was so peaceful, so pure and so... like her. If only there's any other way to set back time, I would've told the same shit. "Just quit this scouting regimen. Just look how weak you look, brat. You'll just be another titan feed." I kicked her shoes, trying to wake her up. She just groaned and shifted position.

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