Chapter 05

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Levi POV

I touched the ledge of the window with my finger, holding a mop in my other hand. I raised one of my eyebrow raising my hand to the level of my eyes inspecting it with a frown of disapproval before turning back to the girl who was standing in the middle of the room with a sheepish look.

"Hey brat, if you're going to clean, make sure you do it properly. Repeat it." I told her.

She let out a pout that reminded me that damned woman again. "Roger that... but to be honest captain, I don't see any dirt." she tamely replied.

Of course there's no dirt. I just want you to repeat it again you, damn lazy brat. I simply gave her a glare that she quickly understood and started wiping the windows again. I simply watched her back, trying to figure out how I can make her quit the scouts before we could even go into the next expedition.

Eren entered the room making me turn to him. "We're done cleaning the upper floors." He said. "Where will I get to sleep in the building, sir?" he asked.

I removed the cover in my mouth to speak. "Your room is in the basement."

"The basement again, sir?"

"Of course, you're not in complete control of yourself yet. If you drifted off and turned into a titan. At least we can restrain you right away." I explained. "That's one of the agreed conditions we had to take custody of you. So, we must follow the rule."

I heard a sneeze behind me. Y/n sniffed as she gave a short apology. I rolled my eyes, she's going to have to clean that germs she spreads.

"I'll check it out." I simply said and started walking off.

"Y/n, you need help?" I could hear Eren asking.

I simply rolled my eyes again as I met Petra on my way holding a broom which I simply ignored.

Eren POV

"Thanks Eren." Y/n wiped her nose with her sleeves as I looked around the room she's cleaning. It was actually clean, spotless not to mention. Even better than mine. So why?

"You two got quite a despairing look on your faces." Petra entered the room, holding a broom. She's been nice and accommodating since we came here, which is why, even though the intimidating atmosphere was there, I was a little at ease.

"W-we do?" both me and Y/n repeated surprised.

"Well yes." She giggled.

I looked at Y/n and she pouted even more. "It's because he made me repeat my cleaning again even though I don't see any dust there." She complained.

"He doesn't really look like the perfect, invulnerable hero people think he does, isn't he?" The woman suddenly said. "The truth is captain looks surprisingly short, irritable, violent and hard to approach."

"Which is why I don't like to be his assistant." My friend quickly added, making me chuckle teasingly at her. "The goddess of wall Rose is punishing me."

"Well, that's not it." I started. "I was surprised by how obediently he accepts the decision of the higher ups." I admitted.

"Do you think that, how strong as he is, he wouldn't care about the ranks or the chain of commands?"

"Yes... I expect him not to acquiesce to anyone's words."

"I don't know the details about that, but I heard that he was originally like that. Before joining Recon corps, he was famous for being a thug in the capital's underworld."

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