Chapter 17

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Our typical day continued after my week of recovery...

Once again, I had to endure that shitty cap's all around orders that I could hardly do after being on the bed for three weeks as my friends have told me.

Sasha was hysterically happy for my return/survival when we met on the stables as I was putting my horse back to rest after taking some paperworks from the office--probably because she hasn't been receiving extra half bread for meals--but it made me glad someone... at least one, genuinely(?) cried for my well being. Now I can't wait to have a chat with them while eating!

Or so I thought...

I was now sitting together with my captain. Because before we went out of his office, he stopped me and told me that I have to join dinner with him since I have to discuss something with commander Erwin. So here I am, unable to touch my food no matter how famished I felt. Having endured the intimidating table of the commander, captain and squad leaders who were eyeing me like a newly existing titan in the middle of elites with nowhere to run.

For the love of goddess Rose! Eat already!

"So, ahem. May I know why the stares?" I asked. Clearing my throat having no idea why we had to stare at one another.

"It was just quite... unexpected." Erwin replied, pausing as he tried to find the right word.

I frowned questioningly. "What's unexpected?"

Hanji beamed, abruptly leaning forward that shook our table. Surprised, I flinched back a bit although helpless that her stretch was too close, our nose already a couple of inches apart. "Well, that you're actually alive--"

She wasn't able to finish he words while her collar was pulled back by Mike. "Don't go cursing her when she's breathing in front of you." He scolded.


"Well, why wouldn't I think that way? She was like so bloody cold and blue looking like a crushed soldier tossed around." She explained, imitating what looks to be my supposed post mortem.

I gave a short chuckle about that. "Well, I was literally crushed and tossed around." I replied.

"So, how does it hurts?" The ever-so-curious Hanji asked. Her wide brown eyes stared at me with wonder.

I tilted my head to give a little thought. "Well... it hurts... and dizzying?" I told her.

"Come on. You should explain more~!"

"Is that really necessary? I mean, Annie's been shaking me as she run so I have no idea which pain I'm suppose to focus on. Like my joints popping around, bones cracking and ribs crushing." I shrugged. But then they were quiet. Staring at me with this 'what the hell did you just say?' looks.

"You knew it was Annie Leonheart?" Erwin's thick brows almost met when he asked.

Oh... that's why. "She's always looked at me that way so I knew when I checked her out, I wasn't really that sure at first yet when I saw her the second time I confirmed it. But how did you know?"

"We've already captured her." Shitty cap finally spoke. Sipping from his usual cup of coffee.

I turned to him, now I'm also surprised how things happened all so quickly while I'm asleep for almost a month. "Whoa. How? She's a good fighter and her titan form was quite badass."

"I know right!" Hanji agreed happily. "We planned it through. Your little friend, Armin also helped out and Eren did the finishing."

"That so..." I took my bread and ripped it in half. "Is she still alive?"

Genius(Levi X Reader!Genius) And AOT FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin