Chapter 08

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Levi POV

Look at that brat go.

Why does it feel that the longer I keep her working, the more she learns to be even more obnoxious? Why won’t she just quit?

It was dinner by then, we walked out of the office and into the dining area. Automatically, I sat with Erwin, Hanji and Mike whom have stationed themselves a table. There was a space for her there, making me looked at her who seemed to be in search of her own seat making me glare at her knowingly. When our eyes met, she suddenly frowned. Probably confused of the aura I’m emitting, but she should be able to tell what I’m trying to say. And it’s only natural that she sits with us, becau se she’s my assistant after all.

However, her sight evaded mine, suddenly making her way to the seat I expect her to go in case she strays off. Of course, to her boyfriend’s.

“I want Y/n removed from the scouting regimen.” I started just before anyone else from that table could start a conversation. I want Y/n to hear this, but I guess she won’t be.

With that, the three looked at me rather surprised. “Eh? Why would you want to get her out? She’s so efficient as an assistant…” Hanji countered.

Erwin eyed me, instantly, his eyes already tells me that he understood what I’m trying to do. “Her choice is also to join the Reckon corps, which is why this is inevitable. We can’t disapprove of recruits, especially when this is also their choice.” He explained.

“Haven’t I told you, she has superior issues?”

“Well you’re one to talk—”

Hanji quickly raised her hand in defeat when I glared at her. “Levi, I understand where you are coming from. But she also made an agreement with commander Pixis after retaking Trost. She will have to be set out with us to observe the titans and understand them.” Erwin still tried to kick some sense into me. “Her ability surpasses top ranks in her training regimen, but as you’ve said, her attitude had buried her name into one of the trouble makers of her batch.”

“Which is why I want her out. She’ll burden her comrades if she keeps up that attitude she has. No matter how good she is, she’ll just hold people back . ” I told him.

“Where is this coming from?” Mike suddenly asked.

“It came from the time she would always delay orders and sometimes didn’t care if I won’t make it in time just because she’s trying to piss me off. Do you understand? If she keeps that up, there’ll come a time where other people might die because of her recklessness.” I looked towards their seat, seeing a girl smiling in front of her friends, even laughing while she listens to them.

“Is that so?” Erwin nodded over my explanation. “Then I’ll make sure to talk to her about it. You have to talk to her about this first before I do, maybe she’ll have a change of heart. But, i t’s going to be her decision as a soldier, Levi, not yours.”

I looked away. Feeling a pang of emotions adhering selflessly into my chest. Anger, guilt, longing and sadness. “Make sure to convince her to quit.” I said in finality.

“Do you hate the new recruit that much? I thought you guys said she looks like someone you knew? Why don’t you be nice to her then?” Hanji quickly asked.

I clicked my tongue and rolled my eyes. “That girl, I’m also surprised to see her. I even thought she was a ghost before I had her scent.” Mike admitted.

“Eh? You know that someone they used to know too, Mike?” the shitty glasses asked. “Can you tell me about her? Why does captain Levi resent the brat too much? Any thoughts on this?”

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