Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Your POV

The ride had been taking us hours to get by our destination. I held tightly to the reign of my horse, feeling the cold sweat dropping on my temples as we went further away from the comfort of the walls.

I am nervous.

As it was my second time coming to wall Maria that had been breached five years ago. Beside me was Eren who showed his enthusiasm towards the expedition that's been happening for hours now but there's not much of a threatening titan that there is. I phased myself carefully with the other soldiers following quietly into the superiors.

At first, I didn't know what I'm supposed to feel during our departing. But actually being out here didn't make any different, except the fact that it looked like an untouched land after years of being away from human touch. It almost felt so nice.

If humans wouldn't be able to touch it ever again...

I shook my head from the sudden thought that came to mind. Why the hell am I saying that? I understand I'm sick of humanity, but it's actually the same of how much I hate living in fear from titans. I held the reigns tighter in my palm. I could feel it stinging me but the pain was giving comfort somehow. It's helping me get back to my reality and at least that calms me down.

"Shitty brat. Get to your senses and stop spacing or I'll slice your head off myself." Captain suddenly spoke in front of me.

As always, I would look at him the way I usually do. Idiotically confused. What does he want me to do? Seriously. "Yes sir..." I simply replied before eyeing the other squads who were raising their eyebrows at me, probably noticing how captain would always warn to kill me all the time. I shrugged my shoulders before facing forward to focus myself on the formation.

The horses hurried further as each formation broke in different directions.

Then Black smokes started shooting up to our left flank. We followed as minutes passed and another black smokes started to be fired out again and again that my head felt the chills through my spine. So, there's this many titan roaming around the area? Just how many are they? Why would they increase in this kind number if they don't have reproductive system?

Thoughts lingered through my head until we entered the woods. I looked up, seeing few birds flocking their wings on the canopy of trees. The little light illuminated in the forest gave us guide as we followed the commander's commands.

"Everyone, keep the formation." Levi ordered, we all complied to the shorty's demands as our speed doubled. I wasn't as aware of what's going on, staying at the back of everyone else until in a denomination of split seconds figuring out what was happening, a titan suddenly appeared from the woods. Just a hand reach away from us that made me instinctively grasp on of my sword while the other hand held into the rein of my horse.

I looked at the captain, catching his eyes were on me as well. A glare that tells me that I should stand down and run with my horse. But I wasn't really sure if I should, turning my head towards the female titan chasing after us. She basically didn't look normal, nor an aberrant for me.

She's running like a human sprinter as she leaned forward, swaying her big hand that made us all ducked. She was a good specimen to Hanji's experiment, and is even a possible titan shifter at hand once captured. Our hood remained in our heads, a tactic that they told us to do as to temporarily hide off Eren's current location.

Yet she's now here. A little more search and she'll find him. I looked back front again, still preparing the sword in my hilt as I shook my head to be a little more patient. I eyed the captain once more whose eyes were on the trail, looking back at me. However, I can tell exactly from his aura that he wanted us to be more patient. What the hell is he planning to do?

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