Chapter 16

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To whom it may concern (lol),

Dear reader -san/ -chan/ -kun/ -senpai/ -sama (and more honorifics to come),


I am le author(obviously, lol) of the fanfic and I am here to inform you... because I know someone would eventually ask...

That let's all pretend in our fanfic brains that everybody is in legal age, okay? (Like you and the 104th cadets are above 18 so it won't be classified as pedo.)

This is so that everyone will not be uncomfortable with the age gaps.

I love Attack On Titan. One of the reasons I wrote a fanfic.

Anyways. This is the very reason I never mentioned their ages so you could just think that Y/n and Levi doesn't have much problem with the age. Because I understand how others are uncomfortable with it.

We good?

Yeah? Yeah?

So yeah! Enjoy~


Chapter 16

Y/n's POV

I hardly opened my eyes from the unbearable pain I was feeling. My entire body, especially my skull was aching so bad I want to hit myself to some solid ground and fucking go with breaking it completely so there won't be any head attached to ache anymore.

I grunted, finally have the clear sight through my surrounding. The sunny morning was illuminating through a window through this room. It was down to empty, except a bed where I'm lying in, a chair beside it and a small drawer with a flower vase on top that looked new by how fresh it looked. I blinked twice to make sure that the things I saw wasn't an illusion, confirming it with a second look before looking back up into the ceiling.

I feel so beat up that even my neck hurts just by moving. This is just rather unfortunate that this mistake I did during the expedition will give more reason for captain Levi to insult my existence and kick me out of the regimen. Great going, genius, you just killed yourself twice. I let out another irritated grunt as I forced my arms to lift myself up, at least in a seating position to stretched my body. Slowly, I hear my joints screamed pain, cracking in every corner I could think of, wincing and cursing every suffering seconds that counts. Ah, fuck the wall goddesses!

Managing to seat, I decided to leaped off the bed next. My dazed head offering me more hindrance than when I was lying down, but I refused to just lie down there, especially when I don't know how long did it took me before waking up. And as expected, I tragically fell on my butt while the bed sympathetically stood still for support so I wouldn't completely lie and just seat on the floor instead.

I've lost all my energy. The mental refusal I've been doing to annihilate the pain I'm feeling was taking toll that even my legs had given up from moving. I just simply held on the side of my bed in disappointment as I noticed my arms and legs covered in bandages, and if so, I am already sure that I'm covered with bandages entirely.

As I sulk over weakness and carelessness, I heard the door on my room opened. Steps of heels hit the wooden floor as I raised my head to meet the person who walked in only to feel even more negative to the glare I received from the short captain of mine.

"Who told you to get up?" He asked coldly.

I inhaled deep, lowering my head because of the pain before I looked up again and frowned. I nearly forgot about my daily dose of poisonous words from my captain. "I'm just trying to stretch my body, captain." I replied.

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