Chapter 04

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Chapter 04

Your POV

It has been a week since the retaking of Trost. And within those days, I had been locked in a room and had been guarded by the military police the whole time, my injured pinky was already healed. Not to mention, all of my bruises are gone.

Annoyed as I have always been, I decided to pass a complaint five days ago. As a soldier, I needed to get out of here. I didn't care about my standing in the society, I just wanted to see my friends safe and sound. I needed to know how they have been.

After that week, I ended up reading all the novels in that shelf from the room I was locked in. Over too much boredom I decided to started writing my own titan research over what I've observed between the main titans I've seen so far. The colossal, the armored and Eren's. My quail pen scribbled into the clean sheet of paper while I summarized the distinct and unique abilities they had between an aberrant and a normal looking ones. For hours I sat there writing until my fingers started hurting but I went on, fifty pages already overlapping each other as ideas started flowing into my head.

Dipping the pen into the ink, I continued to write. My head was getting into it not until my room door slammed open, making me involuntarily jumped off my sit and prepared into fighting position. But seeing a woman in a soldier uniform stood there made me calm my shoulders down. She had her hair tied into a ponytail, eyes hidden into her goggles and a sinister grin plastered into her face.

"Excuse me. I'm sorry to disturb you, cadet." The woman said happily.

I blinked twice, not knowing why she knew me despite my civilian clothing. "It's alright, ma'am." I replied, still confused.

"Hey, who gave you permission to enter her room." One of the stationed guards asked, entering the room to grab her shoulder.

However, she raised one hand which was holding a piece of paper. "Commander orders!" she exclaimed, making him retreat. "You, cadet Y/n L/n is free from this box, and now my assistant!" she said.

"Excuse me, what?" there was nothing else I could do but to look rather stupid in front of my guest. I didn't know what to say or what I should do.

"I'm squad leader Hanji Zoe! Part of the scouting regimen." She introduced.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am... but I'm still confused. Why did I suddenly become your assistant?" I asked.

"Well, because, your brain and skills has the highest aptitude. Which is why I was wondering why you're not in the top 10." She told me. "But, it's also a wonder why you sent a letter of complaint to commander Pixis to release you here which is why we got you investigated and saw your profile into the training regimen to be unbelievably high. Leading us into a conclusion that as early as now, I would want to recruit you in the Survey corps as my assistant. My job is solely focused on watching the titan shifter, Eren Jeager."

"Is that really approved? I mean, I don't really know why I'm locked here." I said.

"Well you, being locked here is precautionary measures from a private entity. Since there's no orders from the brass to lock you up, which means, they were paid by someone out of the government. Nobles perhaps." Hanji shrugged.

I grunted in annoyance when I was told about that. "Then, I can get out of here now?" I asked.

"Yes. Actually, you can come out anytime. But without official orders, I'm not sure if those guards will let you out." She said so happy as ever.

I nodded. "Then, can we go now—"

"What is this?" she asked, grabbing the unfinished research report I was writing since morning.

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