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Christmas came around and Charlie was ready to go to the Burrow, "You have to come, mum will murder me otherwise" He told her.

"No thanks, Charlie, I'm good right here" She smiled at him, but he wasn't convinced.

"You can't hide here forever," Charlie told her, "You have to go home sometime. I know it's hard, I lost a brother too, but letting it all out is much better than keeping it in" He flicked his wand and his bags appeared in front of him, "At least go see Sirius, he's worried sick for you" Charlie gave her one last look before apparating out of the apartment.

George sat in the Burrow, gloomy and grim as his mind wandered off to his brother. How Molly had broken down while making his jumper, how Arthur had accidentally called George, Fred. How no one was talking about it, but everyone was hurting more than ever.

There was a knock on the door before it opened. George gave his brother Charlie a small smile before Molly came and hugged him, "I'm so glad you're home" she said in relief, "where's Astrid?" George's ear perked up as he heard her name.

"She didn't come" Charlie told her, "she refused. I told her so many times but she said she couldn't" George's face paled a little, a small part of him was still hoping she would come.

"Well, it's alright, I'm still glad you came. We'll send her the jumper"

Sirius sat in his new apartment with Teddy and Harry. He had refused to go back to Grimmauld place and decided it was best to get a new place. He was also working on fixing James' and Lily's house in Godric's hollow.

They sat together for dinner two days before Christmas when their doorbell rang.
"I'll get that" Sirius stood up and opened the door to see George standing there. "George, Uh-come in" He let the boy in and told him to sit at the table with the other two.

"Have you talked to Astrid?" George asked in a low voice and Sirius sighed.

"Two days ago" Sirius informed as Teddy babbled behind him, turning his hair red.

George looked at teddy and smiled at him, "Hello Teddy, I see you" He chuckled before turning to Sirius, "I need to talk to her. Should I go there? should I meet her?"

"I-I don't know George, she's not been giving much away. She refuses to come home and I'm not sure how she will react to you popping in there"

Astrid sat alone in front of the fire on the 24th, not knowing what to do. Charlie's voice was ringing in her head and she was beyond confused as to what to do. No matter how put together she looked on the outside, the girl was a big mess. She wanted to take an impulsive decision but that never turned out well for her, did it? She wanted to think things through but the more she thought about it, the more complicated it got.

Sirius was ready to go to the Burrow. He wanted Astrid to be there but she said no every time he asked. He hadn't seen her since may and it worried him. She didn't reply to her own mother's letters, she didn't talk to Molly even, she didn't write to George.

There was a knock on the door and he went ahead to open it. Sirius froze for a second, looking at the person before him.  "I-I didn't know you were coming"

"Neither did I" Astrid hugged him tighter than ever, "I'm sorry, I- I shouldn't have left- I cou;dn't- I didn't know what I was doing and-" Tears streamed down her eyes. She refused to let go of him and Sirius really didn't mind.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you're here" He smiled at he, pulling back, "And I see you kept my leather jacket" He chuckled, rolling his eyes.

Astrid pulled the jacket closer to her, "I like it, makes me look cooler"

"Are you going to come to the Burrow?" Sirius asked.

"I-I don't think I can" She shook her head and looked to the floor, "I can't face them. I can't face him"

"He came to me yesterday" Sirius informed, "He wanted to talk to you. He misses you, he needs you Astrid, you have to talk to George. You can't keep running away from him. Molly has been pestering Charlie about you, your mother is worried. You need to do something."

George sat in his Weasley jumper next to his sister with a mug of hot chocolate in his hands. No one seemed as happy anymore, they all missed Fred. It was quiet and gloomy.

Sirius walked in with Teddy in his arms and wished everyone a happy Christmas, thought it wasn't a very happy tone. He looked around the room and immediately spotted George, but didn't look him in the eye. He couldn't possibly talk to him without feeling guilty about lying to him.

George was so consumed in his own thoughts, he felt suffocated. The red head stood up and walked out of the house through the back door to get some fresh air only to be tackled into a hug. His immediate reflex was to stun them or any other defensive spell that came to mind but he stopped when he saw her face.

"I'm back" She gave him a sheepish look.

"This is the second time this is happening to me" he replied.

Astrid chuckled, "I like to make an entrance" she shrugged and stayed quiet, "I'm sorry George, I shouldn't have run away, I shouldn't have just left"

"You were always going to go to Romania, it was part of the plan" He said flatly.

"I know but I could've waited. I couldn't cope so I ran. I'm so sorry.." she let the tears stream out of her eyes, "And I wasn't ready to come back, I don't know why I did. I'm not going in there, I just-I just wanted to see you once"

"So you're just going to leave again?" He asked.

"I'm sorry George"

"It's alright" He said in disbelief.

"Are you mad at me?"

"I'm not" He obviously was annoyed.

"I lost a sister, I get to have some time to myself"

"I lost a brother! my best friend, someone I spent literally my entire life with until now, but I didn't run away because I knew my family needed me more! I don't care if you leave, I care if you come back or not. I care if you reply to mum's  letters, I care if you talk all those people in there who love you, who are worried sick for you. I don't expect you to stick around for me because I understand what you're going through, I want you to be here with me, but it's okay if we're apart if it means healing ourselves, but it's not fair to them. They lost a lot more then we ever will, they spent two wars fighting for us"

Astrid stared at him for a few seconds before speaking up, "you're right, but I can't support them, all I'll be is a burden. I can't do anything, George"

"Just stay Astrid, if not for me, for them" George felt helpless, he felt bad for her, he felt sad for them and most of all he just wanted her back here.

"I didn't leave to get away from you. I left to get away from myself" Astrid looked at him, her eyes glistening with her tears (ghosts of her pasts 😂) as her hand went up to his cheek, "I don't ever want to leave but I've asked you for too many chances and it's not fair to you, it's rather selfish of me, don't you think?"

"It's not. You've been through a lot and life happened. I won't ever hold you accountable for something you didn't control" He told her. George was torn between wanting to kiss her and taking time to figure out where they stood first. "Are you going to stay?"

"Are you going to let me go?" Astrid asked
"No, probably not"
"I was hoping for that" And all the confusion went away. George was finally seeing things clearly. They were broken because they were apart, they were missing from one another. He didn't need to be told what to do next as their lips met again into a longing and desperate kiss. Something they had been waiting for way too long.

New chapter! Yay!
Okay this book has almost come to an end. I think there will only be like two more chapters or something.

There is another book in the same universe.
Fear | Fred Weasley and it's from Vera's POV!
The ending of that book will differ from the ending of this book because well I don't want it to be predictable 😂😂🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Thanks for reading!
Aisla Wrenn

Prophecy | George Weasley (COMPLETE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ