Part I: Epilogue

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George sat on his bed, a small stone in his hand. It was a stone similar to one on Astrid's necklace that he had given to her on Christmas.
The Weasley twin had spent a long time trying to find the perfect charm for the stone. With the help of his mother, George managed to do something that the Weasley clock did except with colours.
His hands were fiddling with the stone when it turned red.
Red means mortal peril.
George stood up and sprinted into Fred's room who was half a sleep.
"Astrid's in trouble!" He bursted through the door.
"What happened?" Fred asked his very worried twin.
"I don't know! But the stone shows red which means mortal peril!" The two boys immediately apparated to the front of the Burrow and walked through the apparition barrier.
"Mum! Something is wrong" George showed Molly the now red stone and she gasped loudly.
Arthur bursted into the living room, "Death eaters in the department of Mysteries"
"We have to go there and help!" Fred's voice was distressed.
"Arthur you're staying. Fred, George, go!  Be careful!" Molly instructed. The two boys nodded as they ran out of the apparition barrier and apparated into the ministry. This was a risky challenge.
The ministry was controlling and watching everything. The twins had to be very alert.

They stood before the door of the Department of Mystries, the stone shining bright red.
"Let's go" Fred told his brother.
They treaded through the door to see everything completely shattered and broken.
Walking further into the room, they heard voices. Spells being shot, people running around.
George's heart was beating faster by the second. Thankfully, the stone was still red.
They moved carefully towards the sound to go unnoticed.
Fred increases his pace the closer he got and George followed suit. Their wands were at the ready when they appeared from behind the mess.

Everything seemed to go silent. George couldn't hear his brother but could see him talking. Saying something. He could see Sirius on the floor unable to get up but George's legs weren't moving to help him out. Harry ran across from him but George stood there unfazed. Remus ran towards Sirius who was crying but George didn't feel any tears prick his eyes.

He saw Ginny, standing there identical to him. He saw Luna who's expression was unclear. George saw Neville crying for the first time. George saw Ron protectively standing next to Ginny, holding her hand for comfort just like a protective older brother.
He looked everywhere but failed to find himself, failed to find his emotions, his thoughts, Astrid.

George's left palm unclenched as he brought his eye level. The small stone lay on his palm, completely black.
Black meant Dead.

Told you she's going to die!
This was sort of an epilogue for this part! Hope you liked my book.
I'll be introducing a few new characters into this book now! Keep reading, I swear it's worth it!
I'm really grateful that you've reached till here! So thanks a lot!
<3 <3 <3
Aisla Wrenn

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