11. Truths and confrontations

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Truth hurts

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Truth hurts

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Dana and Astrid were seated at the Ravenclaw table in the great hall, casually munching on their toasts.
Dana's gaze kept wandering to someone further along the table.
"Who are you looking for?" Astrid asked.
"No one" Dana said casually. She was a good liar. Astrid gave her look.
"What!?" the Ravenclaw girl asked, acting dumb. Her face was heating up.
"Don't act dim. Who is it!?" Astrid confronted the girl.
Dana muttered something in inaudible.
Astrid glared at the girl.
"Roger Davies" Dana said louder. So loud that he heard her.
"Yeah?" He looked away from his friend.
"Oh..umm.." Dana was struggling.
"When's the next quidditch practice again?" Astrid asked.
"The next one is not until Tuesday" Roger said shrugging his shoulders.
Dana ducked her head in embarrassment.
"Ask him out!" Astrid told her.
"I can't"
"Why not! You can do this! Don't just sit there"
"Hypocrite" Dana commented.
"How am I a hypocrite!?"

"I'll tell him when you admit that you still have feelings for G. Weasley" Dana gave her a knowing look. She shook her head as her cheeks flushed red.

"I don't want to talk about it. You know all too well I can't"

"You can but you're scared to"

Astrid ignored the comment and quickly moved on from the subject. Their converstation was soon interrupted by the most unexpected Trio.

Noah, Fred and George laughing their heads off as they walked towards the great hall.
"Oh Merlin! Noah is socializing!" Dana exclaimed.
"That too with them!" The two girls were baffled.
They both stood up and walked up to the table.
"Who are you and what have you done to our friend?" Dana went straight to the point. There was a hint of playfulness in her tone.
"What!?" The boy was confused.
"Care to explain what the three of you are doing bring all friendly?"  Astrid was not happy though.
Noah scoffed.
"I can't be friends with them?"
"Aw! Don't worry Astrid, you're still my number one!" Fred said laughing.
"No she's my number one!" George said.
The two started "fighting" over who Astrid's best friend.
"What are you doing!? You know we have to keep our distance. I don't care if you're friends ith them but please don't get too close." Astrid whispered to him as she brought him out to the side.
"You have to keep your distance, I don't What's gotten into you?
"That has nothing to do with me being friends with them"
 "No! you know the guilt and sorrow would kill me!! Don't you understand how tough it is for me!?"
"So now I can't be friends with them because you're guilty about the incident in third year? Plus I won't tell them anything" Noah whispered back. "You've got to be joking! You know I can't-"
"You can, you're just too scared to!"
"No! You will have to tell them eventually anyways! What are you waiting for!? Just tell them already! What happens when your feelings for George resurface? You're just gonna obliviate yourself too?!" Noah didn't understand why he was so mad but he also couldn't understand why his best friend was being such a tosser.
Tears threatened to roll down Astrid's cheeks and her face started to redden with anger and embarrassment. "You know what I think?" Astrid said as she narrowed her eyes at Noah,"The only reason you're fighting me on this is because you have feelings for his twin and you know he doesn't reciprocate so you're just settling for friends!" Without another word she left the great hall.
Noah knew that he had messed up but Astrid's last comment had hit him hard.

He poised himself and walked back to the Gryffindor table.
"I- I have to go" he said as he grabbed his things and left.
"I should go check on them" Dana rushed after Noah leaving the twins highly confused.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When Fred and George started talking to Noah the previous night, they thought that he was just another boring Ravenclaw. They were so wrong. 
After talking for hours, the trio bonded quickly. 
The next morning they walked to the great hall together laughing at something Fred had said. 
Noah has agreed to help them out with their Weasley products. They were almost done, just needed a bit tweaking. 
The boy was completely amazed with their inventions. He had started to realize how much the twins were like Astrid. 
They all hated school, they never studied, bunked classes but were so smart. If they put even a little effort into their exams, they could be top of their class. 
George was  skilled at potions and Fred was great at charms. 
Together they had created many masterpieces. 
The three were discussing about one of their inventions, puking pastilles, when Astrid and Dana had interrupted them.

At first the Twins were confused. What had triggered the long haired Ravenclaw girl so much? Did she really hate them that much?
When Astrid took Noah to one side, they couldn't hear much of their conversation because Dana was trying to distract them by making small talk. But George has heard the words 'Guilt', 'Third year incident' and 'Weasley' to know that something had happened before.

But after the three Ravenclaws left, the twins knowingly dropped the subject and went on to talk to Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Lee who had all entered the great hall only a few moments ago.

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