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"I don't want to get married, George" Astrid told him, she took a small pause,"yet"
"No ones getting married now" he chuckled, "but don't tell me that you've never thought about it"
"Yeah, of course I have! And it is with you! But not yet.." She said, "I need to make a career for myself after this war, that is if we survive, I want to go to Romania for a year and then probably find work here and if not I may have to move- what will we do then? I don't expect you to move with me. Look at you, you have a successful business already and here I am on the run from Voldemort. I didn't even graduate from Hogwarts"
"Well you can't really blame yourself, you died"
"I know but I don't know how long it will be George. Plus you grew up with parents who loved each other and it was perfect, my family was horrible and I don't want to become my mother"
"Hey," he put his hand over hers, "it was just a throw away comment, we don't have to think about this now, we have all the time in the world, okay?"
"I know- I just don't want you to keep this expectation because it's not right to you. You should know where I stand and if that's not where you stand we might have to end it"
"There is no way in hell I'm letting you go, stonewall. I don't care how long it takes for you, even if it's forever"
"And I will leave. I will leave if it means I get a job. And I'm ready to make it work but I don't know about you"
"I'm not going to ask you to stay, ever. I'm only going to ask for you to come back"
"I will"
"Then we're on the same page"

The war was coming closer, they could feel it. As the days went by in hiding, the four starting getting sick of each other. Fred and George never really fought ever, they grew up together, they lived together, it was normal for them. But Astrid was outspoken and would burst out any time of the day. Verena was not one to keep taking it in so they usually had a lot of verbal fights with each other.

Astrid's powers should have made her calm in every situation but it felt like a light switch, it kept coming and going. Verena's theory was that Astrid didn't have enough controls over them and so they fluctuated a lot.

Over the days, Astrid got to know her sister a lot more, they became closer and shared things with each other. It was a very different experience to have a sister. They were still awkward sometimes but with no one else to share anything with, they only had each other.

"Do you reckon we will ever be able to figure this out?" Astrid asked Verena as they read more about her powers.
"I'm not sure.."
"What are we doing Vera? this is a complete waste of time"
"We need to know this, Astrid, for all we know it could be something big"
"I just-" Astrid knew Verena was right but she just wanted her normal life back. She never completed her sentence and she didn't need to because Verena knew exactly how she felt, maybe even more than Astrid could've realized.

Astrid debated with herself a lot. She wasn't sure if she wanted to contact her mother. The woman had completely disappeared and a part of Astrid was very worried. She didn't know what think of her mother, Alyssa Stonewall hadn't been the most supportive mother and Astrid didn't know how she would even react to all this drama. 

After giving it much thought, she went up to Fred, "I want to know where mum is"
"Home" Fred shrugged. 
"My mother" Astrid told him, "I know the order knows where she is"
Fred sighed, "We do, we had to keep an eye on her" He said with an apologetic look on his face.
"Did she even know about me?"
"I don't know Astrid, we weren't allowed in the Order meetings for pretty long, Mum didn't give us much information and you mum didn't contact any of us, not even the order after she left" He explained, not sure what exactly to say. 
"I want to talk to her"
"I-I can give you the address but I think you should talk to the Order about it" 
"To be safe, we are on the run" Fred said. 

Astrid decided to talk to Molly about it. She went to the Burrow alone and sat down with the redhead woman. 
"Are you sure about this?" Molly asked her. The woman was scared for Astrid. She never trusted Alyssa Stonewall and she didn't think she ever would. That woman had done nothing right for Astrid and for her to suddenly contact her mother, Molly was hesitant. 
"I am"

Paris. Alyssa Stonewall was in Paris. What was she doing there? Did she ever decide to come back? Was there something in Paris? 

This is Astrid, not dead for sure. The pro-

Astrid Scratched it off and started to write again. 

How are you? I'm well and alive. I- 

Astrid scratched it off again and started over. 

Astrid here. I hope you're okay. I know we left off on the wrong foot but I wanted to talk to you, because-

The truth was, Astrid didn't know why she wanted to talk to her or what she would talk about. She wasn't sure why she was writing this letter or if she would even get a reply. No matter what happened, Astrid still cared for her mother, maybe it was genuine or maybe it was just the war hovering over their heads. 

Dear Mum
Hey. This is Astrid, very well and Alive. I wanted to tell you that the prophecy was wrong. I didn't die, it's complicated. The war is going on and I'm honestly not sure how it will end. I just wanted to say that I hope you stay safe
Astrid Stonewall. 

Hey guys! Sorry I have been off this book! I just didn't have the motivation to write it ngl. 
This chapter was just a filler. And this book is coming to an end soooo I will complete it. I know what I want to do, it's just actually putting it into words...
Thanks for reading and staying patient with me though!
Aisla Wrenn

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