25. The Slip-up

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There is so much you don't know

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There is so much you don't know

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Astrid sat with Fred and George in the gyffindor common room, her head on George's shoulder. Fred was sitting across from them scrawling on a piece of parchment.
"You know, you both can make any amount of Joke products but your trouble will never match mine" she told them. The two scoffed together.
"You haven't caused enough trouble to even compete with us!" Fred took a crumpled paper and threw it at her.
"Fred's right, one big prank won't do!" George told her.
"I have done tonnes of things! We were in second year when we colored everyone's ties to Slytherin and all teachers took points off of Slytherin" Astrid laughed at that memory.
Fred and George didn't.
"Wait, I remember Fred and I doing that..." George said suspiciously.

Astrid, Fred and George has just charmed every student's tie to slytherin colours.
"Mr. Weasleys! Ms. stonewall!" McGonagall stood before them.
"30 points from each one of you.." The three only grinned wider. 
"Well Professor, I think it's a bit unfair of you to take points off of slytherin!" Astrid said.

George has dazed out and hadn't heard the rest of Fred and Astrid's conversation.
"I guess it's time.." Astrid said. She stood up and told them she'd meet them later, running out of the common room.

The girl bit her tongue as she ran through the corridors to Dumbledore's office. She had suddenly forgotten that George and Fred knew nothing about her past.
How could she be so stupid? How could she forget?
She mumbled the password and walked into Dumbledore's office who was pacing around.
"Ms. Stonewall, how can I help you?" The old man smiled.
"I need a Favor, sir" She proceeded to sit down on one of the chairs and explained her situation to the headmaster.


Astrid walked into the Great hall avoiding even glancing at the Gryffindor table.
"I did something stupid" She told Noah and Dana.
"Tell is something new" Dana chuckled.
"I mean it!" Astrid hit her arm.
"What did you do?" Noah asked, he was still in a foul mood because of Fred.
"I may have hinted that I knew Fred and George before meeting them this year.." Astrid said.
"That's great! Now you can tell them the truth!" Dana smiled.
"No! Now my relationship with George is over for the second time!"
"Did he say so? Did you already tell him?"
"I didn't, but now I have to. Fred is already growing suspicious." Astrid put her face in her hands. "They are going to hate me! Just when I was starting to get happy!"
"They are not" Noah soothed.
"You might want to collect yourself Astrid, they're looking at you" Dana whispered. Astrid removed her hands from her face and looked up.
"They're coming here.." Dana warned.
"I'm leaving.." Astrid quickly stood up and walked out of the Great hall.
Fred and George looked at her in confusion. Had they done something wrong? George told Fred that he was going to go talk to her, leaving Fred standing alone in the middle of the hall.
"Go Noah! Now is your chance, fix things with Fred!" Dana forcefully pulled him up by the shirt and shoved him out of the table.
"Do you have to be so harsh?" He asked her.
"Yes! You're too much of an idiot, I have to do something. Go!"
Noah nervously walked  towards Fred, stumbling over nothing in particular.
Fred looked at the boy coming over but didn't move. He wanted Noah to come talk to him. He wanted Noah to have a reason for ignoring him.
"Fred...can we talk?" He asked not meeting Fred's gaze. Fred nodded.
"I have to explain myself, I know what I did was wrong...I just- my family-" the boy groaned out loud as they walked into the hallway.
"My family hates your family. They think you're blood traitors and that I shouldn't even talk to you or your family. They wouldn't let me Owl anyone, not even Astrid!" Noah told him.
"Do you think so too?" Fred felt hurt, he was used to being called a blood traitor but it hurt when it came from Noah's mouth.
"No. I don't. That's why I want another chance!" He was desperate.
Fred hesitated. He wanted to give Noah a chance but he couldn't handle people insulting his family. No matter what, his family came first. But Noah was different, Right?

George followed Astrid, calling out her name but she ignored it. She ran straight through the Ravenclaw doors.
"Astrid, what's wrong!?" George asked as he slipped into the common room behind her.
"I'm sorry!" She ran up the stairs and into her dorm.
Thoughts of how George would react rushed through her mind.
He was going to hate her. But George wasn't like that. He would understand. What she did was unforgivable. But Molly said they wouldn't care. But it's a big deal. She was going to die anyways, would it matter? She should just take Dumbledore's advice. But not tonight. She wouldn't be able to face him.

It was an hour later did Dana walk into the dorm she shared with Astrid.
"Lover boy is outside waiting for you" she told her friend.
"He hasn't left?"
"Nope" Dana popped the P.
"Tell him to leave"
"I did! He wouldn't listen. He said he had to talk to you"
"Tell him there isn't anything to talk about"
"But there is! And you should talk to him!"
"I can't face him yet"
"Why does it feel like I'm the only Ravenclaw in this group" Dana rolled her eyes.
"I'm telling him to meet you tomorrow morning, it's Sunday so you don't really have any classes, it'll give you both time together"
With that Dana rushed down the staircase.
George hoped it was Astrid and was slightly disappointed to see Dana.
"She will explain tomorrow, after breakfast."
Dana told him. His face dropped.
"Give her some space, G. Don't worry she will come around" The girl gave him a sympathetic smile.
"Okay, thanks Dana" He sighed as he walked towards the door.
"Oh! And tell her that I know.." Dana's eyes widened at this comment.
"Know what?"
"Well, not everything. But I think I've known her before....I keep having these visions of my second and first year and Astrid is always in them. I'm not sure if it's just because I hoped that I knew her earlier or something else..."
"Well George, you will find out tomorrow"


The next morning Astrid dreaded going to the Great hall. She didn't want to see the Weasleys, anything red or anyone in gryffindor.
Dana had to drag her along with her because Astrid refused to even peek her head out of her sheets.
"Do I have to?" The girl asked, hoping for a 'no'
"Yes!" Dana was annoyed. "A! I'm warning you, the more you avoid it, the worse it will get"
The girl sighed under her blanket. Her friend was right, just rip the bandaid off, right?
The two girls made their way to the common room to see Noah standing there, smiling.
"What happened to you today?" Dana asked.
"Nothing. What would happen to me?" Noah's face looked like it had been charmed to Emily because his wide grin didn't falter for even a second.
"Why are you radiating immense positivity? You're literally glowing like the sun!" Astrid gagged giving him a disgusted look.
"Why you so being so grumpy?" Noah asked, his lips still tugged upwards.
"Did you hit your head somewhere?"
Dana gave him a questioning look.
"Are you drunk?" She asked him.
"No! Why would you think so?"
"Honestly, I'm just going to handle one at a time" Dana turned to Astrid who gave her a sour look.
She dragged her to the Great hall to see neither Fred nor George sitting there.
"Where are they?" Dana asked.
"They're not here?" Astrid scanned the Gryffindor table. Not there.
Relief washed over the Ravenclaw as she walked to her house table.
The three ravenclaws silently ate their breakfasts, consumed by their own thoughts.
"Do you think they are avoiding me? Did they find out?"
"They're not smart enough." Dana replied.
"They has early morning detention" Noah finally spoke up.
"How do you know?" Dana asked.
"Fred told me" he shrugged.
"That makes so much sense now! Are you both dating now!?" Dana was all for the gossip.
"Yeah!" The two squealed loudly only to get a glare from everyone at the Ravenclaw table.
Astrid huffed, looking around the hall. She was hoping to find the two earlier and just get it over with.

Astrid felt mixed  emotions when she saw Fred and George running into the Great hall with unkept hair, their ties barely put together and their shirts sticking out of their trousers.
She felt a knot in her stomach when George's gaze met hers.
He nervously walked towards the table with Fred following closely behind.
"Hey...are you okay?" George asked.
"Yeah, listen, we need to talk..." She looked at Dana who gave her a reassuring look before dragging the twins to the other end of the Ravenclaw table.
"I've been keeping something from both of you..." she started.  "I obliviated you and your other siblings in fourth year"
They looked at her for a second before the two started laughing.
"I'm not joking!"
"And I'm not Fred" Fred started.
"You both need to come with me now! This is serious!"
"More like Sirius!" The two laughed again.
"Just follow me, will you?" Astrid led them to Dumbledore's office.

"Good morning Ms. Stonewall, Mr. and Mr. Weasley" The twinkle eyed man said.
"Morning sir, I was wondering if we could..." She didn't complete her sentence.
"Ah! Of course. Take as much time you need" With that, the headmaster vanished behind some doors.

Astrid took her wand out and pointed it at her forehead.
"What are you doing?" George asked.
She didn't reply, instead she walked over to a large metal bowl and placed it on one of the tables.
A silvery mist came out of her wand and fell into the water in the pensive.
"Look into it...this will explain everything"

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