4. Dumbledore's Army

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You tied a string to my hand when we met and now its pulling me to you

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You tied a string to my hand when we met 
and now its pulling me to you

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After this awkward encounter and random exit, the duo reached the three broomsticks to see their friend Noah Wilson sitting on one of the tables, his skin was lightly tanned, his eyes a piercing shade of light blue. His hair unruly and his smile, showing off his crooked teeth.

Astrid wanted to get him and go out of this place, the twins and Lee would be here soon and she didn't want this day to turn any worse.

"Noah ! Drink up! quickly! we have to leave this place soon" Noah's eyebrows furrowed and gave Astrid a questioning look.

"Are you quite alright?" He asked as he gulped down the rest of his butterbeer.

"Something to do with the Weasley twins" Dana said. She felt sad for her friend.

Noah gave them an even more confused look but followed suit.

Dana and Astrid were friends and dorm mates since their first year but they only met Noah in their fifth year. He had just moved from Paris and had a broken English. Lucky for him, Dana was fluent in both languages.
She helped him out with his English and they found a new friend.

The trio had become tightly knit very soon but Noah didn't know much about their lives before her came and never actually asked them. He knew about their families and their lives but the particular Weasley incident was never talked about.

Astrid was always on the low when it came to any Weasley. They did have classes together but she usually sat with other Ravenclaws or Gryffindors she didn't know. And even though she had shared glances around with the two sometimes, it never led them to her.

"Astrid and the Weasleys go way back" Dana told Noah.
She gave him a " I'll tell you everything in detail later" look which he nodded to. 
The trio walked around hogsmead and had the time of their lives in honey dukes.
"You know we will see them in hogs head right?" Dana said as a matter of fact. Astrid didn't reply. But she had her priorities straight, it was more important to take down umbridge


Astrid, Noah and Dana walked into hogs head to see many sitting there ready to hear what Harry had to say.
All three of them moved to the back and stood next to Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang with Neville Longbottom in front of them. The three greeted their fellow Ravenclaws before Harry started to speak.

When Harry started talking about forming Dumbledore's army, Astrid became quite interested. She wanted to do this and she wanted to help.
When she was 12, Astrid joined Hogwarts, her strongest suits were Charms and DADA. She had inherited special techniques from her mother and had taken summer classes with Dumbledore. Not everyone knew that about her.
When she was in her sixth year,she took a stand and decided that she wanted to join the Order (the moment she found out about Voldemort's return during the triwizard tournament) for her father.
Unfortunately, her mother refrained her from joining the order the year before but now she was going behind her back to do this.

Astrid quickly signed the sheet with her friends following behind, hoping not to run into the Weasleys. But the moment she thought she was safe, someone tapped on her shoulder.

The twins and Lee were beyond excited to go to Hogs Head. They wanted to find out who this Anonymous person was, despite the fact that she told them not to.
The three scanned the room for any Ravenclaws.
"But what if she never came?" Fred asked.
"Did she ever reply to our letter?" George questioned further.
Both of them looked at Lee for some sort of explanation but he only shrugged.
But they still made a lot of all Ravenclaws that came into Hogshead hoping she was one of them.
That is when George Weasley's eyes fell on Astrid, trying to blend into the crowd. He had an urge to go talk to her and ask her if he had done something wrong.

After the meeting, he told Fred and Lee that he was going to talk to Harry and run an idea by him.
When they said they would come along, he told them to go wait at the Three Broomsticks for him and that he would be back in no time.

The twin knew what his brother was upto. He let out a chuckle only to receive a funny look from Lee.

"Our dear mate Fancies someone" Fred explained as he put an arm around Lee's neck and walked towards the small pub.


Someone tapped on Astrid shoulders.

She quickly whipped her head back to see who it was.
"Hey Astrid, I was wondering if - if you would like to grab a butter beer with me...?" Lewis Harrison, completely unsure of himself and nervously blushing.

Lewis Harrison was the hufflepuff bloke she had gone to the yule ball with, not as a date, more like acquaintances. Astrid wouldn't consider him a friend since she barely knew him but she wouldn't mind his friendship.

Lewis had other plans though.

"I-" Astrid wanted to say no but Dana whispered something in her ear, " Come on! Try it! You need to get your head off Weasley and he isn't so bad"

Astrid thought for a few seconds and then looked at Noah for his opinion.
"Go for it" he mouthed with a thumbs up and a wink.
She saw Lewis standing there awkwardly, looking at the ground and hoping for an answer.
She didn't know what came over her but she smiled and said,"Sure"

Maybe she could end this chapter today.
Lewis smiled back as he motioned her to go ahead.


George wanted to talk to Astrid, he spotted her happily walking with her friends. He was about to walk towards her but was out-walked by some Hufflepuff.
George was close enough to hear their conversation but not in Astrid's direct eyeline to be seen.
"Sure" Astrid has smiled at the boy in front of her.
George's stomach flipped. He wasn't sure if it was because of her smile or  today's incident.
The boy motioned her to go before her and they both walked towards the small pub.

Disappointed, George Weasley walked into the same pub a few minutes later. He noticed Astrid sitting with the same boy enjoying her butter beer.

But then again, it wasn't like he had feelings for her. He was just being curious.He didn't know why but he wanted to become friends with her. Maybe it was her awkwardness or how nice she was or maybe the fact that her smile flipped the chap's stomach

But she left, she didn't want anything to do with them and she made that very clear only a few hours ago Or was he just Overthinking?

Nevertheless, he put a grin on his face and sat down with his two best friends.

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