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The war was over, the castle was in ruins and Astrid sat next to George in complete silence. They were gone, they were really gone.

Astrid couldn't comprehend anything, all she knew was, her sister was gone and it was all her fault. Fred was gone and it was her fault. She should've protected him, she should've been more careful. She should've never used her powers.

George sat beside her, his face tear stained and his body refusing to move. Nothing made sense anymore. He couldn't think, he couldn't function. He was gone, his best friend, his partner in crime, his twin. George kept flashing back to that look on his face, the smile etched on his face but eyes wide, staring into nothing. He wished this was just some stupid prank like always, like it was some crazy idea, some joke to scare him. And if it was, he had taken it too far. 

"You said everything would be fine" Astrid whispered, "You said we all would be fine" He voice raising with each word, "You said all this crap!" She shouted, nudging his shoulder, "Why!?"
George didn't hear her, George didn't reply. "Now they are gone! never coming back!!"

Astrid didn't see George after they went home. He had completely locked himself inside his room, refusing to come out. Everyone was mourning but George wasn't even grieving. He just sat there in silence hoping this was a prank. 

Astrid stayed with Sirius for a few days. She would've stayed with her mother, but Molly thought it was best she stayed with Sirius for a while because she couldn't trust Alyssa Stonewall yet. 
Sirius was not less broken, but he had learned to be strong for Harry, for Teddy. 

After a few weeks, Astrid left. She went to Romania. She didn't say goodbye, she didn't talk to anyone, just left. She seemed too unaffected by what had happened during the war and Charlie believed that she was still in denial. Molly had given him strict instructions to look after her. 

She had lost all contact with anyone but Charlie, she didn't write to George, she didn't talk to her mother. She occasionally replied to Sirius but that was about it. 

Bering surrounded with dragons helped her. It was like therapy and she was 'recovering', as she believed. Everyone else though, believed this was worse. She was holding back on her emotions. 

Astrid didn't know Verena for long, but she wanted more time with her, she wanted her sister back. She wanted Fred back, he meant too much to her. 

George stayed locked in for over a month, no contact, except when Molly forced him to eat. He was a mess. He broke the mirrors in his room, he burned one of Fred's jumpers, he closed down the shop, he refused to step foot into the joke shop. 

The grieving would never be over, everyone knew that, but George was truly done mourning because of Ginny. The thing about Ginny was, she didn't ask him to come out of his room, she didn't ask him how he was feeling, she didn't make him say his feelings out loud.

 She just stepped into his room and sat down beside him, "It's awful, I know it is. Fred came in my dream last night," She told him, "He told me to tell you that you have more effort to put because without him you're only half as funny" She chuckled in between her tears, "He wants you to be yourself again, he wants you to remember only the fun times, which was probably all the time, and reminisce it all. The  world needs you George, everyone needs a laugh and you're the only one who can make us smile. I'm not telling you to stop grieving, no one is.But sitting in this room for another month isn't going to bring him back. We all need you George, continue his legacy, your legacy." 

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