21. Mother

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You're stronger than this

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You're stronger than this

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"You can't do this! I'm not going with you!" Astrid told her mother.
"Yes you are. You have no choice."
"I do! I'm of age, I don't need you to be there for me, not like you ever were" Astrid instantly regretted the words that slipped out of her mouth. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.." she said quickly under her mother's glare.
"Why don't the two of you talk it out.." Arthur suggested.
"There's nothing to discuss. I'm not going"
Astrid was stubborn.
"No! I'm your mother and it doesn't matter how old you are, I'm older. You are packing today and we leave in an hour"
"You can't do this to me!"
"It's for your own protection!"
"What Protection!? It's a prophecy, it's going to happen weather you like it or not!" Molly ushered everyone out of the dining room.
"Astrid, I want you to think calmly and talk to your mother.." Molly told her. If anyone else would've told her these words, Astrid would've hexed them. But she had too much respect for Molly to even protest.

"I don't get it. You want to take me away from my friends, family and want me to live in fear of death!?"

"I want you to get away from Voldemort!"

"That's not going to do you any good! You've never thought about my feelings!"

"What feelings do you have!?"

"I spent 10 years of my life seeing you grieve over dad! You were so distant and then suddenly you wanted to protect me when Ginny got possessed with the diary so you took me into hiding, away from my friends and the people I found comfort in"

"I had to! And I loved that man! I am your mother!"

"You say that word like you actually mean it. When were you a mother to me? You took me away from everyone and told me it was my fault. You hid so many things from me and you made me feel guilty for everything!"

"You think I want to run out of here? You don't understand, you never will. You ever thought how much of a burden it was for me to keep you in hiding and always be on the run? I wanted to get away from all of this!"

"Then do it. Leave. Get away from here and me. Feel the liberation of this burden"
Alyssa was speechless. Astrid has outright told her to leave. "You tricked me into thinking that It was my fault the weasleys had to stay away for so long. You made yourself the victim! I believed you and loved you and trusted you but now I know! You were only thinking of yourself. Molly and Arthur were more of my parents till I was 14 and then you took them away too. The truth is, you wanted to leave because you were guilty. Guilty of killing my father." The words stung like bees. Everything was clearer and Astrid was finally seeing things clearly. Everything was falling into place.

Astrid and Remus were in St. Mungos talking to each other to keep themselves awake. Remus was talking about her father in the Order and how heroic he was. That's when the truth had come out. Remus had told her that her Father was home with Alyssa and Astrid when he died. He was moving them to the safe house. He said Alyssa and Henry were both fighting off deatheaters while moving to a safe house and Henry had been injured while they were floo-ing.

"You could've healed him, but you didn't. You ran away instead.." Astrid's voice was cracking.
"He wasn't hit with a killing curse! But you were a coward!!!" Her voice raised back up.
"You don't know anything. They were dark times.."
"I know enough mother. I know you could've tried, you were in the safe house but you chose to run. You chose to escape....I don't want to see you mother...you never did anything for me. You were selfish"
"Fine. Rot here in this hell hole...but remember my word, you won't make it out alive and it will be your fault. What I did was to protect you. What will you do when you tell the Weasley children that you've been lying to them? What will you tell George?" With that Alyssa walked out of the dining room.
She left the premises without another word and apparated from outside.

Astrid broke down to the flood. He weak knees couldn't stand anymore. Her face in her hands and her tears streaming out.
Her mother's last words lingering in those four walls.
"Astrid.." Molly knelt down embracing her into her arms.
"I'm so sorry" Astrid said between her hiccups.
"It's not your fault...And don't worry, none of the kids heard your conversation"
"Thank you so much"


Astrid didn't leave her room for the next few days. Her mind was exploding with emotions. She was sad that her mother had left but felt worse as she realized that the woman she once looked up to had let her down drastically.
She missed her father, she was scared to talk to George about anything. She was scared to tell him what had happened and her mother's words were echoing around her.
"Astrid dear, come out please.." Molly pleases.
"Talk to us" Tonks has told her
"I'll cheer you up.." Fred had said.
"Come on now! We've got food that's not going to finish itself" Ron and Harry explained.
"We need you as much as you need us" Hermione said.
"This is my house and you will follow my rules!" Sirius told her. She knew he didn't mean it though.
None of the house members had the nerve to unlock that door and walk in.
Other than George.
"Alohamora" he muttered
"Coloportus" Astrid locked it again
They went back and forth a couple times before she gave up.
"I told you, I'm not going to give up on you.." George walked in.
"I'm not here to tell you to explain yourself or talk to me. I'm not here to ask you how you are. I know you're not fine."
Astrid's head lifted to look at George.
"I'm only here to tell you, you have about seven months to live and you've already missed out on 3 days. I know this sounds harsh or insensitive but someone has to hit you with the truth. We can choose to cry about the problem or we can choose to get past it. You're stronger than this Astrid..."
There were so many things that were wrong with what George had said. He wasn't very good with all of this, being intuitive without humor. He tried his best to get his point across.
Astrid saw so many wrongs in what he had said but there was one right that conquered all of it.
We can either cry about it or get past it. You're stronger than this Astrid.
With those words George left the room leaving Astrid to think about it.
She laid there in bed thinking about it and soon falling into a deep soundless sleep.


Astrid saw the next morning as a new opportunity. She had decided she was done crying around for things that were meant to happen. Fate was something she highly believed in and if it was meant to be, it was meant to be.
She woke up around 5am, determined to be happy all day.
Everyone in the house was asleep. The girl took a quick shower and tried not to make any noise. She walked into the twins rooms and shook George awake.
"George!" She whisper-shouted. "Wake up!"
The boy stirred a little in his sleep. He looked so peaceful, Astrid almost let him sleep.
"George!!" She shook him more trying not to wake up any other residents of the room.
The boy opened his eyes and looked confused for a second.
When he realized the girl he was looking at was Astrid, he was surprised. Had he had an impact on her?
"Hey..what are you- what time is it?"
"It's 5:30! Come one get your lazy arse out of this room before we wake everyone else!" Astrid told him.
The boy was wearing blue dress plaid pajamas and a matching shirt on top. His had was messy, his voice was groggy and he was very sleepy.
"Why are we awake at 5:30 in the morning?"
"We're going out!" Astrid was too cheerful this morning.
"We can't go out! It's not allowed! Hey! That rhymed" George felt a sense for pride.
"Since when are you a stickler for rules?"
"Fair point.."
The boy quickly went inside his room and put on a pair of jeans and his jumper.
"That was quick" Astrid remarked.
"Magic" he pointed out.

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