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Astrid, George, Vera and Fred awkwardly sat down on the dining table in the kitchen as Martha made them tea

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Astrid, George, Vera and Fred awkwardly sat down on the dining table in the kitchen as Martha made them tea. They didn't talk to each other but they did make eye contacts filled with confusion and concern.
"So, how can I help you?" Martha seemed like a genuinely nice person. She was much older than any of them thought but her wasn't greying.
"We are looking for the Black Tourmaline." Astrid told her. Martha eyed each person in front of her before stopping at Verena and smiling, "Fellow manipulator"
"Uh-yeah-what do you mean by 'fellow manipulator'? You can too?" Verena asked rather cautiously.
"I was, mysteriously lost my powers." Martha told her and then turned to Astrid, "I'm afraid I don't have it"
"Where is it?" Fred asked.
"I was attacked by some curse breakers and goblins over six months ago. They took the stone with them, apparently it had a lot energy radiating or something. They gave a good price for it too" Martha lifted her hand and showed off a silver ring with a huge gemstone embedded on it.
"You gave it away!?" Astrid stood up and banged the table with her hands, "How could you just do that? You know how precious it is!!" George glared at Astrid and pulled her back down by the arm, "Calm down, let her explain" He muttered to her.
"Ofcourse honey!" She said with a laugh, "or I would be dead by now"
"Who was it?" Verena asked.
"I told you, some curse breakers.." Martha replied, and Fred and George exchanged a look, "Bill" they said in unison.

Apparating to the shell cottage was their only option. The group, including Lee, made their way to the small small house where Bill and Fleur lived. Fred knocked on the door loudly and behind him George kept his wand at the ready just in case there were death eaters around. 
Bill was rather shocked to see the whole party but he invited them in after they identified themselves. 

He offered them tea but they refused and told him they had something really important to discuss, "Its a black stone with runes carved on it. That's all I know about it" 
"I know what you're talking about" He stood up and left the room, leaving the five young adults pretty confused. The man returned after a few minutes and handed Astrid a black tall stone, with a hexagonal base and a pointed top. It had some sort of carvings on it which the group couldn't read. 
"Is this it?" Astrid asked him with hopeful eyes and he shook his head. 
"This is a replica, a fake. The company I walked for had these for easy identification. The goblins and breakers who attacked Martha weren't from where I worked," Bill sat down in front of them, "There are three of these and I believe that the one the goblins took from Martha was a fake as well. That stone is worth much more than a shiny ring. I think I can find you some information about this but it will take me a while. Stay over tonight, all of you." 

Lee then turned to Bill to talk about potterwatch and his plans to help the order. George and Astrid broke from the group as the walked out the door and sat by the water letting the wind blow past their faces, softly brushing the skin and leaving chills down their spines. 
"Fred and I used to love this place when we were younger"
"I know, you used to run around here a lot, we came here the summer of first year" 
"Oh right, I forgot that I don't remember" He chuckled and a pang of guilt hit Astrid. 
There was a comfortable yet slightly tense silence around them for a while until Astrid turned her head to George, "I have decided, wherever it is the stone is, I'm going with Verena. This is stupid, bringing you here, I think you should just stay here. This is a war and Verena is one of the most dangerous people to be with. Plus, I've been selfish and stupid and so ignorant of you. You deserve better than me." George stared at her in utter disbelief. 
"Stop lying" He told her. She ran her hands through her hair and closed her eyes for a second, "I can't take this anymore, Astrid. Stop trying to shut me out every time something 'dangerous' happens, I can handle myself. I chose to come with you, I love you and you can't stop me from being with you." George told her. 
"Don't you understand? I'm not scared of dying! but I am scared for you and Fred. And don't even lie, you are terrified of death and I know you're also terrified of Voldemort. Coming further with me is facing him" 
"Just because I'm scared of it doesn't mean I can't overcome and face it"
"I can't lose you again" 
"You never did, I lost you and I know how it is. I was there when you weren't. So just shut up and watch the freaking water"
"What if something happens to you?"
"We'll deal with it" George replied shortly. 
"To Fred?"
"He'll deal with it"
"Will you be able to?" Astrid asked him and he didn't reply. George couldn't possibly think of what could happen if he lost Fred, if something happened to his other half, if something happened to his partner in crime. 
Astrid knew exactly what George was thinking. When it came to his family, George was scared, George wouldn't know what to do without them. 
"Point proven" Astrid said flatly. 
"Look, I want to do this. Something is going to happen to someone. Its a war, it doesn't matter if we face you-know-who or his followers. People are going to get injured and people are going to die, so the least I can do is choose who I want to see last before I pass on" 
"But I don't want you die right in front of me" Astrid told him.
"My point is, I'm staying by your side no matter what" George gave her a soft smile and she couldn't help but smile back, it was a sad one, but a smile nonetheless. 
The truth was, Astrid didn't want to be away from George either but she was terrified. 
"You'll have to hold my hand when I'm scared" She whispered, "And I'll hold yours when you are." 
"I will" George told her and took hold of her hand. 
"What are you scared of right now?" Astrid asked with a smirk. 
"Losing you" 

Bill brought up some books he had about cursed and magical objects and dropped them on the table, "I found these. Look for it in there" 
The group groaned at the thick books. This would take them hours to figure out. 
"Come on! Get to work" Bill instructed and they divided up the work and started going through the books. 
It was two hours later that Verena squeaked with joy, "The Black Tourmaline!" She pointed the top of the page and everyone huddled around her as she read it out loud. 

Ancient magicians relied upon Black Tourmaline, known as Schorl, to protect them from earth demons as they cast their spells. Today this stone is still revered as a premier talisman of protection, a psychic shield deflecting and dispelling negative energies, entities, or destructive forces. It guards against radiation and environmental pollutants, and is highly useful in purifying and neutralizing one's own negative thoughts and internal conflicts, and turning them into positive, usable energy.

"Demons?" George questioned. 
"My powers allow me to summon spirits from the 'underworld', I don't know how to do that yet but it's pretty dangerous" Verena explained to the group. 

Black Tourmaline is also a powerful grounding stone, electrical in nature, providing a connection between Earth and the human spirit. Its supportive energy aligns the energy centers of the body and channels healing light throughout the system. It promotes a sense of power and self-confidence, allowing for a clearer, more objective view of the world. It is empowering to those who must live or work in challenging environments or when facing difficult circumstances.

"So, if you don't posses your stone, your power may affect you in a negative way" Astrid said.
"If I keep absorbing their fears.." Verena added. 
"It also acts out when its not with the rightful owner," Bill told them, "Your powers will weaken, fluctuate, go against you. If you-know-who gets hold of it and absorbs your powers, it may kill you. I'm not sure how it exactly works but I have owled a few goblins I know who could find out about it" Bill informed as he picked up the books, "You all need to rest." 

They felt so defeated waiting for a letter to arrive back from the goblins. Fleur made them some dinner and made sure they were all comfortable in the small house but Astrid couldn't calm her nerves down. Her mind was churning with possibilities of where the stone could be. Nothing seemed to be going right. She needed more information, she needed to find that stone as soon as possible. 
"You need to calm down, take a breather" Verena told her sister who was pacing back and forth in the living room. 
"You could die! How am I supposed to take a breather?" 
"Look, we can't do anything about it, we can only sit here and wait. So sit down or I might just have to knock you out for a few hours" Verena's voice was stern and Astrid threw a glare in her direction. She then turned to the twins for backup but they just shrugged. 
"She's right" George told her. Astrid rolled her eyes and sat down, her feet tapping the floor furiously. 
"Does anyone know about your powers?" Astrid asked, "Other than us and the order. A death eater, a person who may go against us, a person who might have inside tea about you?" Verena put her face in her hands as she thought about the question. No one came to her mind. Not one person until it clicked, "Oh..Snape! He- he was in the order, before Dumbledore's death" 
"Ofcourse! He was always a git! He must've leaked the information!"
"He didn't know about the stone though" Verena told Astrid, "Unless Dumbledore knew and told him." The room was silent for a few seconds until another realization hit Verena, "I know who might know about the stone" She said grimly. 
"Who?" Fred asked. 
"Lucius Malfoy"

AHHH! Finally! I pushed myself to write this chapter. 
I am so sorry for the slow updates but I am super busy!! 
I can't make any promises about when I'll post the next one but I will do it. 
I will keep you update with either author notes (which I might delete later) or the conversations box on my profile. 
Thanks for being patient with me! and thanks for reading!
Aisla Wrenn

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