8. Quidditch

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Astrid sat with her friends as she told them about her encounter with Fred and her situation with George. 

Dana had updated Noah with the Weasley Incident from year three already, so Astrid could freely talk to both of them.
"You're honestly the daftest human being in Ravenclaw" Dana said.
"Umm..Excuse me!"
"You're so scared they'll hate you that you're pushing them further away! And we all know you still have feelings for George"
Dana wasn't the nicest when it came to her friends. She spoke nothing but the dull and dark truth.
"What she's trying to say is..let loose, you don't have to take the weight of something you had to do for your protection" Noah explained in a more hufflepuff way.
Unfortunately Astrid wasn't the most easy going person either, she was stubborn and argued with her friends.
They don't understand my situation
They think I'm daft when they're the ones saying wonky things.
After a good argument, Astrid walked away from the two.
"You won't understand and honestly I'm done with this topic!"

Astrid played the beater position in quidditch. Her first match of the year just had to be with the Gryffindors.
Atleast she could hit the Bludgers with her anger.

The match started with the Quaffle with Gryffindor. But Astrid's main focus wasn't the chaser with the Quaffle, it was the red head with a bat in his hand and a smirk on his face.
She hit the bludger at the Weasley twin who dodged it with no trouble.

The match was intense. Lee Jordan was being annoying with his commentary and Astrid was upset with her friends.
Her focus shifted to the stands. She couldn't spot Dana or Noah.
A pang of guilt hit the girl. She wanted to apologize but her ego had taken over her. She knew she was being stupid but her mind and heart were at war.
Astrid's train of thoughts were broken by a bludger coming right at her. Astrid was a great Quidditch player with good reflexes. Her arm moved up as she hit the bludger with all her strength but the odds weren't in her favor because there was another bludger heading towards her from her left.
Astrid accepted her fate. She was going to get hit by the heavy ball swooshing towards her. Her body didn't move a muscle. Her brain told her to fly away but nothing worked.
The ball came closer and Astrid's eyes squinted.
Astrid opened her eyes to see George Weasley in front of her.
She was frozen in shock for a second before she thanked him.

George didn't know what came over him when he aimed one of the Bludgers at the Ravenclaw girl. He was angry and he was sad.
He expected her to hit the bludger with ease but his judgement was wrong and he instantly regretted it when he saw another bludger flying towards the girl at the same time.
His only reflex was to save her.
So much for nothing to do with her


Those quick ten seconds had opened Astrid's eyes.
She had contemplated her whole friendship with the twins in those ten seconds.
What's the worst that could happen? They find out the truth, which they are going to eventually, and hate me forever.
But there is a 50% chance they don't hate me
There is a chance they never find out.
If they do end up hating me, we would never talk again. That's what we have been doing since the past 5 years.
You have the rest of your life to worry about these things. Let loose, be a regular kid at school. It's just a bunch of teenage drama.

Astrid closed the book she was reading. She had to find the twins.
The stonewall girl put her things into her bag and walked out of the library.
"Password?" The portrait at the entrance of the gryffindor common room asked her.
She didn't know the password, she had to wait for someone to let her in.
At that moment, Hermione Granger exited the common room.
"Hermione!!" The girl squeaked. Hermione jumped from the sudden call but put herself together quickly.
"Astrid, hello!"
"I need to find the Weasley twins!" Astrid jumped straight to the point.
Hermione nodded and told her to wait a few seconds.

When Hermione told Fred and George that Astrid was looking for them, Fred's first instinct was to say no. He didn't want George to get upset. But Fred saw how George's face lit up at her name.
"Why don't you go Georgie, I am going to reply to the Anonymous girl's letter" He told his brother.

George walked out of the door to see Astrid waiting for him.
"Can we talk? Please.." she said with hopeful eyes.
George nodded.
"Somewhere else?"

The two walked silently to the room of requirements. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was comfortable.
Astrid was too busy practicing what she had to say in her head and George was too busy trying to figure out what she was going to say.
They sat down in the corner of the room.
"I wanted to apologize and thank you" Astrid finally spoke up.
"I haven't been the best person. I just don't do well with new people and I am way too introverted to make new friends. I don't know how to talk to humans and I am sorry if I was rude. I don't hate you or your brother. I think you're amazing but I'm too emotionally unstable for the two of you so I thought it was best that I kept my distance, I didn't want to hurt you and..."
Astrid was rambling again. She didn't speak what she had practiced in her head. George probably thought that she was completely nuts.
"Astrid. It's okay" George Weasley smiled at her. "I reckon you had your reasons"
Astrid felt relief, she felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Some of it, not all.
She couldn't bring herself to tell him the whole truth and she thought that it was for the best.        "So can we be civil to each other? Friends?"   "Lets keep it at acquaintances"


It was 2am on Tuesday night, Astrid knew it was time to cut another thing off her list.
She crept out of bed and covered her face with a scarf to hide her identity.
Astrid walked to the quidditch pitch and grabbed her broom from her locker.
The halls were quiet and she knew Filch's exact location. She had been observing his movements for a whole year and she was one step ahead of him.
She flew through the halls of Hogwarts carefully as to not get caught.
Astrid was now in the Astronomy tower. The balcony gave a spectacular view of the stars. She climbed up on the railing carefully balancing herself and and grabbed a part of the roof of the tower.
She hitched herself up and rolled on top of the roof.
Astrid could sit here for hours. Just watching the stars, the dark clouds, the lake, the lights and the moon. This was her father's favourite hiding spot.

Astird was brought out of her trance when she heard footsteps behind her. Could it be the twins? She moved further up the roof so her dangling feet were no hidden.

"Come on Georgie! Quickly!" Fred Weasley told his brother.
Astrid heard two doors open and close.
She wasn't sure what happened but there was no way she could get out of here without them completely gone.
She could hear their muffled voices whispering to each other.
Astrid looked down to see Filch out in the balcony. Without thinking, she let out a loud gasp. Loud enough for the Weasley twins to hear it from inside the broom cupboard.
"Who's up there!?" Filch asked. Astrid tried to remain calm and not get caught.
Fred and George on the other hand, heard the loud gasp and the only thing that came to their mind was the anonymous girl.
They looked at each other as if talking to each other without actually speaking and threw three dung bombs as far as they could.
The bombs landed almost outside the door, distracting Filch for a few minutes.
With that, Astrid took off on her broom again, trying not get seen by the two boys.

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