It Was Supposed to Be Fun

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Linh's Pov

I can't help but notice how weird Fitz has been acting, staring off into space, avoiding eye contact, acting sort of like he was guilty of something.

"Linh? Are you alright?" Tam asks.

I snap out of my thoughts and smile, "Yeah! Of course."

I look up at Fitz and he is just chatting away with Wylie, Sophie, and Keefe. Tam looks at me skeptically but goes back to talking with the group. Gosh, I really need to talk to Biana and Marella, maybe they will know what the heck is happening with Fitz. I see the two over at the snack table talking to Mr. Forkle, Elwin, Grady, and Edaline. I walk over to them, mumbling to Tam about getting something to drink. I have an awful feeling in my stomach like I'm going to hear something that I really don't want to hear.

"Linh! You look amazing in that huntress costume! So rustic chic!" Biana compliments.

I giggle, "Why thank you. I've got to say you both look stunning in your costumes! Also you did an awesome job with the decorations!"

"Thanks! Are you having fun?" Marella asks, seeing the uneasy expression on my face.

"What's up girly?"

I take a deep breath, "Has Fitz been acting weird around you? He keeps avoiding eye contact with me, not really talking to me, staring off into space, I don't know he just seems really distant."

Marella and Biana look at each other like they know something, B nods slightly and they both look at me sympathetically.

"I really don't think that I should be the one to tell you what's going on. I would ask him about it. Maybe pull him aside for a second?" Biana suggests.

A wave of paranoia washes over me, "Oh god. It must really be bad." Tears gather in my eyes and my breath quickens. "Is he gonna break up with me? He's gonna break up with me!"

Marella hugs me, "Shhhh, shh, it's all gonna be alright. Just ask him this. Say, 'Fitz why did you ask me out in the first place?' you might not like what you hear, but at least it will be the truth."

I nod. They both look at me sadly, I wipe my eyes trying to seem like I haven't been crying. I walk confidently over to my probably soon to be ex-boyfriend and take his arm. He asks me over and over what my deal is and why I pulled him away from his conversation. I ignore every little complaint and question he throws at me. I shove him into one of the rooms. I glare at him and we stay there, him avoiding my death stare and me shooting lasers in his head.

"Why did you ask me out?" I ask. "Tell the truth."

He seems shocked by the question, "Because I really like you! Why else?"

"Cut the bull crap. Stop being defensive. Sit on the freaking bed and explain to me why you have been avoiding me?" I snap.

He sits quickly and fear rises to his eyes, "I-I, I just want Sophie back! She is my soulmate, I just know it! And she is with that loser with daddy problems. You were the most obvious person, you and Soph are really close, you like me, and I mean look at you! You are gorgeous. Not as pretty as Sophie, but still."

I almost choke on air, "What the hell?! Really?! What does she have that I don't?! Why am I not enough for you?! Do you know what you are? You are a worthless, self-centered, bratty, little piece of crap who throws a huge tantrum when things don't go your way. Clearly, you were just using me, and you know what I don't really care. Sophie is waaaaaay happier with Keefe as her boyfriend than she ever was with you! I'm happy for her, and you know who is going to build me back up? Her! She goes through a lot of crap but no matter what she is always here for us. You don't deserve someone like her. You know what, I'm not going lower my standards to be with you. So screw off!"

I walk out the door and close it quietly behind me. I plaster a smile on my face and go over to Tam, Wylie, Sophie, and Keefe. I pretend to pay attention to whatever they are talking about, nodding every once in a while and putting in a few uh hu's and yeah's. I can't help but feel proud of myself. What I said may have not been the kindest, for once though I don't feel guilty about being mean at all.

"Linh? Are you feeling alright?" Sophie whispers to me.

I shake my head no, and she nods. She excuses both of us and grabs both Marella and Biana. We don't say anything, we just go up to Sophie's room.

"We haven't had a girls night in forever! I think I was able to get a few human horror movies from Juline, we can do face masks, paint our nails, and we can also dye our hair!" Biana squeals, understanding the situation.

Marella smiles big, "This is gonna be so much fun!"

Sophie plugs in her i-pod to a thing that she called a speaker. Interesting music blasts from the rectangular system, she calls it "Beetlejuice" and says that it is a musical whatever that is. It has a spooky theme. Biana pulls out sheet masks which we put on our faces after changing out of our costumes and putting on pajamas. We dance around and laugh, Marella brings Sophie over to a chair, and against her will starts painting color onto her hair. Biana then takes me over to a chair next to Sophie's and gives me a magazine. I point at one of the pictures in there and Biana gets started on working her magic. After an hour of waiting we finally wash my hair and dry it, I look in the mirror and gasp.

"Oh my gosh, Biana I love it! It looks amazing, thank you so much! You know tonight was supposed to be fun and I'm glad it was!"

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"Oh my gosh, Biana I love it! It looks amazing, thank you so much! You know tonight was supposed to be fun and I'm glad it was!"

Yay!! New chapter!


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