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Fitz's Pov

I can't believe she is gone, again! This is all Keefe's fault if he hadn't been in detention with her then they wouldn't have ditched class and then they wouldn't have gotten kidnapped. Why would Sophie not want to come with us? I mean sure she got her memory wiped, but when they triggered her other memories surely they triggered all of the ones about the Black Swan and the Neverseen! Why can't she just remember? Then we can go back to being the picture-perfect couple we've always been. I am not sorry about beating up Keefe, he deserved every punch he got.

"Fitz? Can I um talk to you?" Lihn asks standing at my doorway.

"Fine, whatever," I scoff.

Lihn sighs, "I just wanted to tell you that, we still have a chance to get Sophie back. And remember when they did the weird Runic Blaze thing or whatever Mr. Fokle called it, I lost my brother too. If you would just reach out your mind again, maybe we could find them."

"I guess," I say giving in, "But what about Sophie? She lost her memories, she wants to stay with them. There's no way that we'll be able to convince her to come with us. Even if she does we still will have the Never- I mean Everblaze to deal with!"

"I know, that's why tonight we are going to start preparing," Lihn reassures, "Dex is already in his room starting on gadgets that we can use as a distraction, Biana is practicing with your mom to stay hidden, Marella, Wylie, and I have been working on a way to combine light, water, and fire as a way to defend ourselves, and Keefe has been working tirelessly to train with Grady on mesmerizing. We need your help Fitz, you're the only one who has a chance to knock some sense into her!"

"Alright, I need to talk to Forkle on ways to strengthen my Telepathy and tell Edaline to work with Dex on strategies to conjure the weapons he makes so that we don't use them all up," I order.

Lihn smiles and nods. I follow her out to the common room where sure enough everyone was working. I make my way over to Mr. Forkle and Granite.

"Ah, Mr. Vacker, we were wondering when you were going to come out and help us," Mr. Forkle laughs.

I smile, "I need to talk with you and Granite about Telepathy techniques and strategies."

"Of course let's get started right away. Mr. Sencen!" Granite who is actually Sir Terigen waves Keefe over and reaches for my temples, "May I?"

I look at Keefe who is glaring at me, not in a mean way, but in a sad way. I nod to Granite and feel him slip into my consciousness.

Alright so what I am going to have you do is very difficult and draining, but it will be valuable and once you get good at it it won't be as tiring.

Do whatever you need to. I can handle it.

Granite looks over to Mr. Forkle We will enter Forkle's mind and I will lead you to his emotional center, there I will show you how to influence one's emotions which can cause memories to resurface.


We enter Forkle's mind and I follow the trail of warmth that Granite was leaving behind to show me how to enter his emotional center. Granite shows me how all the emotions link to different memories. I see a flash of a memory, the one where Sophie was five. She hit her head hard on the concrete the only way he found out was when he heard screaming outside, there was so much fear as the seemingly old man scrambled to call the ambulance to save his precious Moonlark. The memory was tinted in a light purple which I am guessing is what shows that the emotion is linked to fear. Another memory flashes by, this one tinted in a magenta glow. Mr. Forkle was reading the Newspaper to see Sophie on the front page, 'Prodigy Student Turns Down College Scholarship' there was panic in the memory. He was scared that she was going to be discovered. I look at the memory and almost show him that he should be proud, his project was very intelligent. The pinkish-purple glow shifts to a golden glow. I hear Granite and Forkle gasp so I pull myself back to the present.

"H-how did you do that?" Mr. Forkle stammers, "The only people who can do that have to have proper training."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to alter anything I just saw the memory and showed you that there was a reason to also be proud. I didn't know it would change anything," I explain.

"It's fine, I'm just surprised that you were able to do that so quickly. Normally it takes years of experience to influence one's emotions," Granite reassures.

I smile, pride swelling up inside of me. Keefe must have felt the shift in emotions because he scowled and moved back to the other side of the room.

"This is great Mr. Vacker. If my studies are correct then you may be able to boost Ms. Foster's abilities to inflict," Forkle exclaims, "I think this should be all for today at least, there are a few books I would like you and Mr. Sencen to look through together."

I reluctantly nod but shuffle over to Keefe, "Mr. Forkle says that there are some books he wants us to look through."

"Can't you do it with someone else Wonderboy?" Keefe sneers.

"Apparently not, we are supposed to study how the head and the heart can both boost one another and also tear someone apart"


We trudge up to my room and get to work, silence fills the area. I look through a book about how someone's feelings can be tricked. Someone might convince themselves that they love someone because of an experience they had, like someone showing them a new place or making them feel like they belong. But they also love someone with their heart, they know truly deep down that no matter what this person will always be by their side, through thick and thin, they have never done anything purposely to hurt them, and they are always doing things that would be in the other's best interest. I think about Sophie and start to wonder why she would even kiss Keefe in the first place, why she would trust him after he abandoned us for the Neverseen? Does she love him with her head or her heart? Does she love me with her head or her heart? I hear Keefe clear his throat breaking my train of thought.

"Those are some strong emotions coming off of you Fitzie," Keefe says waving his hands in front of him like it will clear the air.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about Sophie," I mumble not really wanting to talk to him.

Keefe's face falls, "Fitz if we're going to save Foster then we need to work whatever this is out. And if that is going to work I need to be honest with you."

"Yeah, I guess," I agree, "Well?"

"When Foster and I were at whatever hideout Everblaze kept us in something happened," Keefe starts, "I'm not sure how it started but, you see, and please don't get mad-"

"You're stalling," I accuse.

He rolls his eyes, "I'm not sure who started it but Sophie and I kissed. I'm not going to lie either, but I really liked it, there was a spark."

I glare at him and growl, "You kissed Sophie? Even though you knew she was my girlfriend?"

"Well, you see-"

"I don't want to hear it," I snap interrupting him, "There is no possible excuse you could have for kissing my girlfriend Keefe. Who knew that you would betray me, just like Alvar, and like your mom betrayed you."

Keefe gasps and tears fill his eyes, "If that's how you feel then."

He gets up and walks out of my room slamming the door behind him. All I can feel is anger, anger towards him. Anger towards Everblaze, anger towards Sophie. I pick the closest thing up and hurl it at my wall collapsing in tears. I lost everything, my best friend, my girlfriend, my congate, my everything.

Wow! Double post today! I hope you like the new chapter, I worked really hard on it. Hopefully, I will be able to post another two chapters tomorrow. If you have any suggestions please comment! If you like this story so far please vote, comment, and share it with your friends!


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