Double Dates

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Fitz's Pov

I walk over to Linh's room only slightly dreading the impending date. I mean don't get me wrong I care a lot about her! Plus if I did anything bad to her Tam would probably kill me. Speaking of which Wylie asked me if we could go on a double date, he wouldn't tell me who he was going with though. I guess I'll just have to see when we get there. I stop in front of her room and knock on her door. I hear footsteps coming to the door and standing there was Linh looking absolutely gorgeous. It was casual but still breathtaking. Fitz! Get your head in the game. You are using her to make Sophie jealous not to fall for her! I yell at myself. She is wearing a white blouse with a blue skirt. Her hair is in a messy bun with strands of hair framing her face perfectly. She has this new glowing confidence, it's unlike Linh ever seems. You would always assume that she is a timid person but looking at her now.... just WOW!

"Uh, Fitz? You are staring," she giggles looking up at me through her eyelashes.

I clear my throat, "Sorry, you just"

"Thanks, you look very handsome."

"Thank you," I hold out my hand for her to take. "Shall we go m'lady?"

Linh laughs again, "That sounds terrific."

"Oh! I forgot to tell you, Wylie practically begged me to let him come with us. Don't worry though! He is bringing a date too... although he wouldn't tell me who the lucky girl is," I inform her.

"That's fine! It will be fun no matter what I'm sure."

I nod and we go downstairs to the leapmaster, even though Everblaze is not really a threat anymore all of us prefer to live together. 

Especially after all we have been though, we need to be together. We are family whether we like it or not. Grady and Edaline are like my Aunt and Uncle, same with all of the order and Dex's parents. They are going through a very hard time. All of us have been taking care of the triplets to help them out. We try not to leave them alone with Keefe that much though, they are enough trouble as it is. 

The warm light of the leapmaster whisks us away to Atlantis. As soon as our feet touch the ground I pull Linh to the small restaurant that I had found. I see Wylie already sitting at a table and he waves us over. The person who is sitting next to him turns around to see who he is waving at, my eyes widen as I see Tam there. Tam has a look of shock and fear on his face, he quickly turns back to Wylie and starts mumbling something to him. Tam stands up and makes a beline to what looks like the bathroom. I look over at Linh and see her just as shocked as I am. 

"I-I think I'm gonna go see if Tam's alright. Would you mind just getting me some lushberry juice please?" Linh requests.

"Of course," I put my hand on her shoulder. 

Linh runs off to find Tam and I take a seat across from Wylie.

"So you and Tam?" I ask.

He smiles thinking about the emo boy, "Me and Tam."

I look over to where the twins disappeared, "Do you think that they are alright?"

"I'm sure they are fine," Wylie assures me. "I just hope Tam will forgive me. I didn't tell him that you guys were coming and I just don't want this to ruin our trust."

"It'll be okay Wylie. If it's easier Linh and I can leave?" I sugest.

Wylie looks at me pleadingly, "I honestly would feel better if you two were here. I know I'm like a bit older and I seem to know what I'm doing but.... I really like Tam. I don't want to mess it up."

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