Fall Into Autumn Love

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Sophie's Pov

This week so far has been pure bliss, Fitz isn't mad at me anymore (or at least I think he isn't), Biana and all of us have gotten better after the passing of our best friend, all of the Everblaze members have finally been captured (the trial date is tbd), and my favorite season is here! Fall! These past few years I haven't been able to enjoy the changing colors, or the slight chill in the air, and the best part; SWEATER WEATHER! I know that fashion is more Biana's thing, but ever since I was little I have always loved the comfort of a soft sweater to wear. This year I am planning to introduce my friends to a human holiday called Halloween! If Dex were still here I bet Halloween would be his favorite too. I pull out my journal and jot down a few costume ideas. Ever since the last face-off between us and Everblaze I've decided to keep a journal journal along with my memory log. It's easier to get my thoughts out when I don't have to see the moment when my best friend died over and over. I look outside and sit at my bay window, pulling my knees clost to my chest. A knock on my door snaps me out of my thoughts suddenly turning dark.

"Yes?" I call.

Keefe pokes his head in my room and as soon as he sees me his eyes light up in a childish glimmer, "Foster! Did you know that Mr. Bangs-Boy is in love with Wylie?"

I shrug knowing this already because of the obvious longing looks between the two boys. I look back down to my notebook coming up with a few more ideas.

"You mean you knew? And you didn't tell me?" he gasps.

All I do is nod my head still lost in the devesting memory of Dex. I close my book and place my pen next to it. I let my eyes flutter close and I take a deep breath inhaling the aroma of vanilla and pumpkin spice thanks to the candles that Mr. Forkle got me while he was in London looking for the now found members of Everblaze. 

Keefe lays on the window seat laying his head in my lap, "Where are you right now?"

I look down at his soft face and smile, "Just remembering."

"Tell me," he says smiling up at me.

Lately, Keefe has been more sentimental, less silly. All of us are taking what happened to Dex really heard, especially me. Even though it's been a bit more than a month, it still hurts. Keefe has been here for me, willing to listen. It's a side of him that I don't get to see so often.

"I remember the first time I brought you all to the Forbidden Cities, you were wearing that batman shirt and Dex was wearing the Wonder Woman one. I didn't have the heart to tell him that was what the W stood for. You all begged to have gelato and when I gave in you were all so happy," tears fill my eyes as I remember him. "I miss him so much, Keefe."

My boyfriend sits up and pulls me into a hug, "I know," he pulls away. "What made you think about this?"

"Well, in the Forbidden Cities there is this holiday called Halloween where all the kids dress up and do this thing called Trick-or-Treating. We would go door to door around the neighborhoods and say 'Trick-or-Treat' when the owners answered. They would hand out candy and everyone would be exhausted from the running around and the sugar crash."

Keefe looks at me weirdly, "What kind of insane event is that? I'm scared to learn about any other human holiday."

I burst out laughing at his expression, "Come on! It'll be fun we should do it!"

"Okay, so what do you want to dress up as?"

"I was sort of thinking Batman and Batgirl," I suggest.

"Of course Foster, I'll be your hero any day," he agrees, tilting my head up.

I press my lips up against his soft ones. The same spark comes to life that was there ever since the beginning. I pull away and sigh resting my forehead on his.

"I love you so much."

"I love you to Foster."

The door slams open and we jump apart startled by the abrupt noise. In the doorway is an angry-looking Grady. I start to panic and shift so I'm mostly in front of Keefe.

"Save me Foster from the terrible monster that is your father!" Keefe whimpers burying his head in my shoulder.

"Can-I-help-you-father?" I say between laughs.

Grady looks at me strangely, "Who are you calling father? I'm not that old. Also, Keefe, if you wish to live I would suggest you leave now."

Edaline comes up behind him swatting him on the head, "Let them be! Sophie is 18 years old she can have a boyfriend."

I blush a deep red.

"Awww, look at you two! I wanted to let you know that I made cinnacream downstairs if you would like some," my mom informs us closing the door behind her and Grady.

Keefe pulls me into his lap. I lean against his chest and groan, "Why are parents so annoying?"

"I wish my parents were annoying, it's better than one being a psychotic murderer and the other always being disappointed in you," Keefe tries to joke.

I turn my head to look into his beautiful ice-blue eyes, "I'm sorry, that was very inconsiderate of me. If you want you can have mine too."

Keefe wraps his arms around my stomach and rests his chin on my shoulder, "That sounds perfect, Foster."

I am so sorry for not updating recently, I have been so stressed with the school workload! I will try to update again tomorrow! Love you all stay healthy and safe!


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