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Fitz's Pov

I can't believe she's actually gone, and I couldn't save. If only she hadn't gotten detention, if only she hadn't been with Keefe if only I had checked on her and walked her to our class together. Millions of if onlys ran through my head.

"Wonderboy! Stop I know what's going through your head. We can't change what happened and you can't blame yourself for what happened you know it's too dangerous," Dex exclaims pushing me slightly.

"B-b-but, what if she's hurt? W-what if they did something t-to her?" I sob covering my face with my hands.

"Then she will get through it! If you really know Sophie, you'll know she's strong and brave. Plus she has Keefe," he consoles.

"Don't remind me," I sigh.

"Fitz, Keefe really isn't that bad of a person! He wouldn't do anything to Sophie, trust me. Sure he likes her but he wouldn't go as far as splitting you guys up," Dex rolls his eyes.

"He seemed pretty determined during truth or dare," I mutter.

"Listen you need to sleep on this ok? Both Tam and I are exhausted. We are going to help Forkle tomorrow to plan," Dex replies walking over to his bed, "Night Fitz."

I don't reply. I just walk over to my bed and cry, thinking about my girlfriend. My Sophie.

Lihn's Pov

I feel so bad for Biana and Fitz and well everyone. I wish Sophie and Keefe weren't gone. I wish the Neverseen had never come back. I wish we knew where they were and what was happening. But of course, that's not how the Neverseen roles. Or the Black Swan for that matter. The sun rises to wake Biana, Marella and me up. I groan and stretch thinking about different things we could do to save our friends.

"Lihn, Biana, Mare, you ready?" Tam calls from the other side of our door.

Marella glares at the now opened door, walks over to it picks Tam up by the collar of his shirt and growls, "I said no nicknames remember that Tam?"

"Yep," he replies popping the 'p'.

I roll my eyes and push past them grabbing Biana's hand, "Let's go save our friends!"

Sophie's Pov

I have no idea why that boy was so shocked to hear that I wanted to be with Everblaze and defeat the Black Swan. It is obviously the right cause. Right? Jolie made the Black Swan seem like awful people. Same with the later Neverseen. The Black Swan killed so many including a girl named Umber, she told me that Umber had a family. I'm sure they miss her. Jolie told me a lot about myself, I remembered all the fun times I would have at Everglen and Havenfield. I remember Edaline and Grady and well everyone. I don't, however, remember a man that she called Mr. Forkle.  Apparently I had been a big part of the Black Swan. Whatever was the past me doing? Being with such a ruthless cause. I put my friends in danger over and over. I would never do that now. That's why Jolie said I could turn over a new leaf. Maybe I'll be able to convince Keefe that he should join me. At the mention of his name my heart flutters. But Jolie told me I was dating Fitz. I have to get a hold of myself worrying about boys at this time was silly. I have to start planning.

"Keefe?" I ask.

He bolts right up from where he was just resting, "Yeah Foster?"

"I'm scared, and, and I miss everyone, like Grady and Edaline. Do you think Jolie will let me see them soon?" I whimper.

Keefe walks over and sits next to me putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close, "I don't know. I doubt it though so don't get your hopes up, Foster. Hey, it's ok you don't need to cry, we'll get out of here soon and every-"

"No! I don't want to go back! This is where I belong. Where," I put my hand on his, "we belong. Can't you see? I don't want to go back. The Black Swan are murderers, there is no way you will ever make me want to go back."

"Sophie," he pleads, "What you don't know is this Everblaze group are murderers too. And there leader Jolie? She was supposed to be dead!"

"What do you mean Jolie was supposed to be dead?" I cry.

"Jolie was always excluded because she and her fiance Brant were considered a bad match. Brant was a pyrokinetic, someone who controls fire. Brant killed Jolie he set their house on fire and let her burn with it. She should be dead," he explains, "Brant was killed during an attack a few years ago."

"What do you mean? Neither of them are dead. Jolie introduced me to Brant too," I shoot.

Keefe's face pales and he brakes down, under all of the nicknames and jokes I saw the real him. He was just a scared boy.

I grab his face and turn him to face me, "Keefe, it's ok! Trust me it's all going to be fine. Jolie and Brant are going to help us, we will be able to see everyone again and we will be safe."

I look at him with tears in both of our eyes, I see him glance down at my lips then look back at me. He leans in slowly giving me time to pull back if I want to. I'm not sure what came over me but all I could do was lean forward and brush my lips against his. Our eyes flutter close and I wrap my arms around him. Someone clears their voice behind us and we jump apart.

"Ms. Sophie and Mr. Sencen. You are requested for dinner put this on and one of our guards will come and get you," a deep voice states. 

He throws the cloths at us and we get dressed quickly. I can't contain the butterflies in my stomach, a voice in my head kept yelling "YOU KISSED KEEFE SENCEN!!!" but another whispered, "What about Fitz?".

I wonder what will happen at the dinner? I hope you liked the new chapter! Thank you so so much for reading! I hope you all have an amazing week!


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