The Flirting Games Part 1

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Keefe's Pov

I give Marella a high five, I have never seen anyone tear down Fitz as fast as she did. And Biana too, maybe hanging out with this fireball isn't such a bad idea. I know that as soon as Sophie and Linh find out they are going to be pissed. Well, maybe not as much Sophie as it will be Linh. Sophie hates fighting, especially between friends, however after all that jerk-face has put us through, I think she is going to understand why these two went off on him. Maybe we can even talk Linh into ignoring him too, after all, out of all of us, she is the one who has been hurt the most.

"Who knew fire girl had so much sass!" I exclaim.

"Oh please, I've always had this much sass," Marella claims, throwing her hair behind her shoulder.

I turn to Biana, "And B! Seeing you go off on him was kinda hot."

"Cool your jets mister, you have a girlfriend," Biana laughs.

Sophie comes up behind me, smacking me lightly on the head, "Yes you do."

I roll my eyes and grab Sophie at the waist. I dip her low and give her a kiss on the lips. Her hands are clutched tightly to my shoulders but then move to my neck.

Tam scoffs, "Alright, alright. Let her go, no one wants to see... that."

I stand up straight and look him dead in the eye, "Awwww, is Tammy boy jealous?"

"Oh please, I have a boyfriend of my own who is way hotter than you will ever be."

"Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe it is."

"Alright fine," I smirk. "How about let's play a little game."

"Keefe..." Foster says in a warning tone.

I just smile at her, "How about I spend 24 hours using pick-up lines, dressing to impress, the whole shebang, and if I can't get you to blush at least once, you have to do one dare of my choosing."

"And what do I get if you fail?" Tam challenges.

"You would get the same obviously. Think of it as an I owe you almost. The dare has no time limit, and it can be whatever the person chooses."

Tam ponders this for a moment then sticks his hand out, "Deal. You get 24 hours starting now."

I grab his cold hand and shake it pulling away as soon as possible, "Let the flirting games begin."

"Did neither of you consider the fact that maybe Wylie isn't okay with this?" Biana asks.

Tam shrugs, "It's fine. He doesn't care, plus he is hot when he is jealous."


I smile at him sweetly and wink before turning around and walking off to get something to eat. Foster trails me into the kitchen, I grab a pan of Mallowmelt that just so happens to be lying on the table. Conveniently there also is a fork beside it. I grab the fork and dig into the delicious dish.

"What are you planning to do, Mr. Sencen?" Sophie smiles leaning against the counter.

I smirk at her, "I have no idea what you are talking about Foster."

"Mhm, suuuuure you don't," she walks over to me and wraps her arms around my neck. "Did you ever think about how I might react to this.... little deal of yours?"

"Shoot, sorry, do you not want me to do this. I'll call it off right now," I exclaim panicked.

Foster puts her hand on the side of my face and kisses me quickly, "No, no, don't call it off. I'm excited to see what happens. I was just teasing you."

"Well, then. I better start coming up with some ways to embarrass Bangs Boy."

I am so so sorry, I have been awful about updating, I've just been so busy with dance and school and my mind has not been in the writing mood. I promise I will try my best to get the next chapter up asap! Thank you so much for reading! Love you all! <3


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