When Everything Falls Apart

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Keefe's Pov

"I hate you!" the words kept ringing in my ears. I couldn't believe she had said that. She promised me. I go numb. Sophie and Tam create Runic Blaze and disappeared with Brant, Jolie, and some other elf. Biana had to slap me to get me to move. Even though I was an empath I couldn't feel anything, not my feelings, or anyone else's. We all go back to the trees hideout. No matter what anyone tries to do, I don't respond. I felt like one of those things in the human movies Dex and Foster used to talk about, a zombie. I go through the rest of the day in a trance. The sun falls and darkness takes over. I lay in bed replay that moment over and over in my head. 


"Well, I'm sorry you put so much faith in me, because the truth is, I want to stay with Everblaze. You care about me but I don't care about you. So don't come after me because I hate Fitz, and you."

---------------------------------------------Flashback over---------------------------------------------------------------

I feel tears slip down my face. She couldn't say that she had to have been lying. I had hoped that she would realize that she doesn't love Fitz. The day that I took that reading, I knew that she loved Fitz with her head but me with her heart. I had hoped. And that was my downfall. She is a new person now. Someone who doesn't care about her friends or her family. Someone that has been brainwashed into believing that we are the villains. I turn around and punch the headboard of my bed. I crumple in tears and feel sleep take over me. I soon fall into a dreamless slumber. 


Fitz's Pov

She hates me. I never thought I would hear those words come out of her mouth. All of this is Keefe's fault. So much for best friends. I mean he at least got to have a moment with her before she turned all evil. He is so selfish. I scream in frustration and take the glass vase near me. I stare at it for a while, then fling it across the room. It hits the door with a shattering noise sending all the glass shards flying. They hit me but I don't care, I want to feel the pain, I want to actually feel. My door is thrown open and Biana is standing right there, she looks at me in horror. 

"Fitz?" she whimpers.

I say nothing and just sit down. Biana walks over and sits next to me with her arm around my shoulders.

"Fitz, we need to work on reaching out to her and trying to get her memories back. You need to stop feeling bad for yourself. She clearly is not herself, she doesn't mean it I'm sure. We need to focus on getting both Sophie and Tam back, no matter what it takes," She lectures.

I stay silent again. Biana huffs and walks away letting me be alone. I spot a teal book over by my bag that I had stuffed before rushing over here. I had stopped by Sophie's to grab her memory log for when she came back. I grab it and flip through the book seeing all of her memories. There were many star maps scattered throughout the beginning. Then once I get further in the book I start seeing scenes with me, and Keefe, and all of our other friends. I turn to one of the pages where I had told Sophie I liked her. Underneath the scene, Sophie had scribbled a note it said, "Wish Silveny hadn't interrupted".  Me too Sophie I think, me too. I flip through a bit more and start seeing more scenes of her with Keefe and less of her with me. I slam the book shut and storm out of my room. How could she have more good memories with him than with me?! Her boyfriend?! 

"Fitz? What happened to you?" a voice questions.

I look up and see Keefe, "Nothing just get out of my way!"

He steps aside with a hurt and confused look on his face, I brush past him and head towards Livvy's office to get all this glass out. I knock on her door.

"Come in!" Livvy shouts, "Oh my god! Fitz, What happened?"

"Nothing that important," I dismiss.

Livvy grabs a light yellow balm and starts smearing it over the cuts.

"This is going to hurt," she warns.

I feel a sharp pain in my arm, and then more following all around my body.

"Great now that all the glass is out you are all good to go."

Pushing myself up I wince, so much for "all good to go". I walk through the halls in silence, I hear a crash and a scream. I sprint towards the noise and see Sophie and Tam with knives against Keefe's throat.

"Sophie," I say softly, "Put the dagger down, and let's talk."

"Why should I?" she taunts tightening her grip on the blonde-haired boy.

"Sophie! Let's just go, we can knock him out and take Keefe," Tam shoots me an apologetic glance.

Keefe looks at me, "Fitz, just go. I'll be fine."

"Wait!" I shout, "Let Keefe go and I'll tell you where the caches are."

Before Sophie could take the deal Tam pulls out a black crystal and points it at the light casting a dark purple beam.

 Sophie smirks before stepping into the dark light, "See ya wonderboy."

And that is when everything falls apart.

Yay a new update! I am very sorry for not updating I have had serious writer's block! And oh my gosh 494 views!!!! Thank you all for reading this I hope you like it. Please let me know if there is anything I can improve on to make the story better. Also, do any of you read the author's notes? Just wondering. It would really make my day if you commented and voted. Thank you so much!!


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