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Sophie's Pov

I suck in my stomach to get into the tight batgirl suit. I look into the mirror and see how the elastic material clings to me. I suddenly feel self-conscious and exposed. I ignore my negative thoughts and throw my hair up into a ponytail. I take the mask from my dresser and place it on my face, I glance at myself in the mirror and a small face appears in the corner.

"Wow. What is that you are wearing? I hate to admit it, but it looks great on you. Especially with your hair tied back and the mask really brings attention to your eyes," Vertina compliments.

I blush widely, "Um, uh thank you."

"So what is the special occasion?" she asks.

"There is a costume party of sorts, I won't get too into it, but Keefe and I are dressing up as these characters from the Forbidden Cities," I explain.

She nods her head, "Jolie had one of those years ago..."

I take a sharp inhale of breath remembering that I forgot to tell her about who Jolie really was, "Vertina, I need to tell you something... Jolie, she isn't really that great of a person. Recently we found out that she actually has been alive this whole time but in hiding and, she um kidnaped me and Keefe and tried to make us help her kind of destroy the world almost or something."

Vertina's face goes blank, "I-I don't know how that could have happened! She was such a sweet girl! Wait, you said that she was alive! Where is she? Maybe I can talk some sense into her!"

"I'll have to talk to the Council, although I doubt they will let her come here."

Her face crumbles a bit, "That's alright I guess. Go, have fun at your part. I'm sure you deserve it."

She disappears and I am left staring at my own reflection. Now though instead of thinking self-deprecation thoughts my mind goes to how lucky I am. How lucky I am to have such amazing friends, a loving family, an amazing boyfriend, and to be alive. My mind flashes to Dex. He would be having so much fun, mixing different elixirs to make him look different for the fun holiday. My eyes fill with tears and I wave my hands in front of my face to try and dry them not wanting anyone to see my pain. I have to be the rock for my friends. It's the only way to get through this, I have to be there for them, my journal is here for me. I hear a knock on the door and I turn my head quickly to the sound. Biana lets herself in twirling to show off her costume.

"Do you like it Soph?" she asks.

"B! You look absolutely stunning," I glance behind her and see that Marella is there too in her amazing phoenix costume. "Marella you look gorgeous as well!"

Marella pretends to flip her hair, "I know. And I'm sure I speak for both Biana and I when I say, 'DAMN' you look so H-O-T hot in that batgirl suit!"

My eyes wander back to the mirror, "You really don't think it's too much?"

"Not at all!" they both squeal.

Biana grabs my hand and spins me around, "Come on! The party is all set up. Mare and I did a pretty amazing job if I do say so myself."

"It is Marella, not Mare," the blonde growls. "Just because we are friends now Little Miss Prissy Pants does not mean that you are an exception to my no nickname policy."

I giggle. I forgot how much I missed my girlfriends while I was away with Everblaze. I'm not sure how I could have thought that they would ever betray me. I grab their hands and for once I am genuinely excited to show off my outfit. All the confidence fades as soon as I get to the bottom of the staircase, me being me, I end up tripping over my cape. Adding to my luck it is also one of those very rare occasions that Keefe is not there to catch me, my instincts take over and I am able to catch myself before hitting the ground with my levitation skills.

I can hear Marella try and stifle a laugh, I stand back up and brush myself off. I glare at her but end up bursting out in giggles with her. I look around the room and gasp at how beautifully creepy it is. There is black lace covering up the windows, silk orange and purple cloth hung around as well. Candles floating above just like how it was in the Harry Potter movies. A cauldron is filled with what I am assuming is lushberry juice has steam wafting off of it.

"This is incredible you two!" I gush.

They both blush and look at each other almost as if they agreed that they did well. A pair of ice-blue eyes catch my attention. As soon as our eyes lock my boyfriend walks over to me. My breath catches in my throat when I see him in his Batman costume, the cloth clings against him highlighting his impressive muscles that are big but not obnoxious. His hair is perfectly messy as always and the mask is placed a bit crookedly on his face.

"Wow Foster you look..." he trails off.

"You too," I whisper, wishing I could hide behind my hair.

I reach up to his mask and adjust it so that it sits properly on his nose. After doing so the confidence comes back and I awkwardly boop him on his nose. He goes cross-eyed and scrunches up his nose. I laugh at his silly expression. Keefe wraps his arm around my waist and pecks my lips softly. I smile against his soft lips. I take his hand and put it around my shoulders.

"Come on, I feel like I haven't talked to Tam or Wylie in forever!"

Fitz's Pov

Sophie walks over to Tam and Wylie with Keefe right by her side I can't help but stare. Jealousy washes over me strongly. She should be with me, I can take care of her way better than Keefe ever could. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my torso from behind and squeeze me lightly. I turn around and face my "girlfriend".

"Hey Linh," I acknowledge her avoiding eye contact with the sweet girl so I don't feel as guilty as I already do.

"How do I look?" she asks, smiling widely and striking a pose.

I finally look at her and see her amazing Huntress costume, "You look absolutely beautiful."

"Aww thank you Fitzy," she bites her lip. "You look extremely handsome."

I laugh and shake my head, "Do you wanna go over and talk with your brother, Wylie, Sophie, and Keefe?"

"That sounds lovely," Linh agrees taking my hand.

This chapter will be continued tomorrow! Thank you so much for being patient with me, I have had such bad writer's block. Hope you all are doing well!


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