Moving On

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Linh's Pov

I sit with Bianna, Marella, Tam, and Wylie in the kitchen. Keefe went to look for Sophie. We laugh and talk about when we first met, all the fun times we've had, and things in the future.

"Do you think we are going to be friends forever?" Biana asks.

Marella shoves her shoulder lightly, "Absolutely. Just because I despised you at first doesn't mean I'm going to again, Princess."

We all laugh at that. I lift my head up from my hands, "Do you guys believe in soulmates?"

"Of course, I mean I don't think I would have met Tam if there weren't. I mean I would have seen him around of course, but we're just so different," Wylie explains wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.

Tam scrunches his nose, "Okay you are very sweet but I'm not sure how much more of this sappy talk. Between you and Keefe, my tolerance for compliments is thinning."

I wack him over the head, "Sush and let your boyfriend be kind to you."

"Dex and I were soulmates, I know it," Biana mutters. "Just like how Sophie and Keefe are."

"I don't believe in that stupid soulmate crap," Marella claims, "people aren't destined to be with each other. If someone is right for you then they are right for you. Plus if something happens to your soulmate then do you get another one? Or do you just live alone forever?"

Wylie frowns, "Maybe there isn't such a thing as soulmates, but true love is something that I will always believe in."

"Me too!" I exclaim.

"Me three," a voice comes from the door to the kitchen.

We all glance to the doorway and the mood in the room drops. Standing there is Fitz. I avoid eye contact with him, Wylie holds Tam back from lunging at him, Biana and Marella glare at him. The teal-eyed boy stands awkwardly tearing a hand through his hair.

"Is there any chance I could talk to you all?"

Marella's fingers spark with flames, "We don't have anything to say to you."

"Oh, alright then, I guess I'll just go," he says walking the other way.

I hear a voice say, "Wait!" It takes me a second to realize it was me who said it. "Tell us what you need to tell us and then we can decide if we would like to talk back."

Fitz smiles a tiny bit and takes a step back into the room, "I'm sorry. I screwed up, I made all of you hate me. I shouldn't have used you Linh and I really am so sorry. I am trying to work through my jealousy and anger issues and I've been talking a lot to Councilor Oralie on ways to control my feelings. I know that what I did is inexcusable and I have no right to ask for your forgiveness, but I really miss you all. If there is anything, anything I can do to make it up to you I will. I know it's going to take time for me to earn your trust back, but the first step is asking for forgiveness, so here I am."

We stare at him in shock not expecting this lengthy apology. I clear my throat, "Would you mind giving us a second?"

He nods and moves out of the room. The five of us remaining huddle into a group.

"Do you think he's screwing with us?" Marella asks.

"He seems pretty sincere..." I trail off.

Tam rolls his eyes, "There is no way I am ever forgiving him! He screwed us all over, he betrayed our trust, why would we even consider what he's saying."

"I think we should give him a second chance," Wylie chimes in. Tam scoffs but he ignores it. "I gave you a second chance."

"What did I ever do!" Tam exclaims.

Biana smiles, "Okay, back to the problem at hand. I mean I guess I am sort of biased because he's my brother, but all of us have gotten and given second chances. Maybe we've given Fitz a few more than just a second chance, but we can say that if he, as Tam so nicely put it 'screwed us over' again then he's out."

"Fine. One more chance, that's it."

We all nod our heads in agreement and they pull Fitz back into the room. I can't pull my gaze off of the teal-eyed boy. His facial features soften to a grateful look as everyone tells him their condition. After talking through everything people start to disperse, Tam and Wylie leave hoping to avoid Keefe for the rest of the day, Biana and Marella move to Biana's room. Only Fitz and I are left in the kitchen standing awkwardly in silence.

Fitz clears his throat, "I know I can never make it up to you, but if it means anything at all, I am really, really sorry about what I did to you."

"Thank you."

I rock back and forth from the heels to the balls of my feet contemplating my next words carefully, "Did you ever really feel anything for me?"

He stares at me with his eyes wide, "Of course I did. How could I not?"

I shrug and stare at the ground. I've never really thought about someone liking me like that, I'm the 'girl of many floods'. We stand in silence looking anywhere but at each other. Taking the silence as a sign of the conversation being over everyone filters back into the room. Tam glares at Fitz while Wylie holds his hand reassuringly, Biana stares at him with pity in her eyes. As for me, I walk out of the kitchen quickly feeling empty. 

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