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Keefe's Pov

I walk into my room to find Sophie buried underneath my comforter, her blonde hair spread around the pillows, a light grey tunic clutched between her arms. I smile lovingly at my girlfriend and climb onto the bed next to her running my fingers through her locks. Her eyes flutter open and she grins at me lazily.

"Afternoon sleepyhead," I greet.

She snuggles close to me wrapping her arms around my torso and laying her head on my chest, "Mmmm."

"Why didn't you come back downstairs after the meeting with Jolie?" I ask.

Sophie's eyes fill with tears and panic washes over me. I kiss her forehead lightly, "Hey, hey, you don't have to answer that. We don't have to talk at all if you don't want to."

"N-no," she clears her throat, "no, it's alright. Can you actually hand me a notebook? It would just be easier to show you."

I nod and hand her one of my sketch journals sitting on the bedside table. Foster closes her eyes and an image appears on the paper. A scene plays out in front of me and I hold her closer to me. Between being able to feel Sophie's emotions radiating off of her and the memory flashing on the page I can feel every ounce of regret and pain after she lunged at Jolie. After the memory finishes, I cup her face in my hands and tilt her chin up to meet my gaze.

"After all that awful woman has put you through, you deserved to have a moment of aggression," Sophie tries to look away but I pull her back to look at me. "Foster, listen to me, you are not in the wrong here. She deserves to be locked up in Exile."

"But I stooped to her level," she whimpers.

I bring her close to me so our noses are touching and our foreheads are resting against each other, "You are allowed to make mistakes. As much as you want people to believe you aren't perfect. No one is, well, except me, but, not one can be that gorgeous."

"You are ridiculous," she giggles and presses a quick kiss to my lips.

"Oh please, you know I'm right," I say in between kisses.

Sophie smiles against my lips, "I love you."

"I love you too Foster."

I sigh and pull her close so she is practically laying on top of me, her legs tangle with mine and her head rests on her chest. I feel her gorgeous golden brown eyes stare at my face. I smile nonchalantly.

"See something you like Miss F?"


"Why don't we watch one of those stupid romance movies that you were talking about?" I laugh.

She slaps my chest, "They are not stupid! They are funny and sweet and adorable and make me happy!"

"Alright, alright, you know I kinda forgot to tell you, but I got this thing called Netflix installed on my imparter."

"Wait really?! Amy was telling me about the new movie that came out a few years ago called To All The Boys I've Loved Before and I've been dying to see it!" she squeals.

"Let's watch it then, I'll go get mallowmelt from the kitchen and some lushberry juice and we can get started!" I say getting up.

Sophie smiles and nods excitedly and I make my way through the halls to the kitchen and hear voices. Biana, Marella, Wylie, and Tam standing outside the kitchen whispering. I sneak up to them and stand right behind Tam.

"Hey sexy," I greet in a low voice remembering our deal,

He spins around pinning me to the wall, his arm over my neck, "For the love of god Keefe! What the heck?!"

"You're blushing," I point out feeling light-headed.

Tam presses his arm harder against me blocking off my air supply, "I. Am. Not."

"Tam sweetie, let him go," Wylie places his hand gently on his boyfriend's shoulder.

He steps back and I rub my neck coughing, "I win the bet! I get one dare!"

"That doesn't count! You caught me off guard!" he protests.

I laugh menacingly, "There were no rules saying I couldn't sneak up on you Bangs Boy."

"He has a point, Tammy," Marella says, booping him on the nose.

Tam just glares at me while Wylie keeps him from slitting my throat. I grin victoriously, "So what are you losers doing standing in the halls?"

"Fitz is talking to Linh trying to get her to forgive him," Biana explains. "I think that we should keep ignoring him, but depending on what Linh says decides whether or not I'm going to forgive him."

"That son of a-" I lunge toward the door colliding with a strong arm. "Come on Marella! I need to punch him!"

"No you need to take a chill pill and focus on the greater good."

I scoff, "The greater good is punching Wonderboy in the face."

"This is Linh's battle to fight not yours. Fitz has hurt all of us, but he has hurt Linh the most, she needs to decide for herself whether or not to forgive him," Marella claims.

"And we are just supposed to follow blindly, forgiving him just because she is hopelessly in love with him?"

Tam growls, "Careful Blondy that's my sister you're talking about."

I shake my head, "Right, sorry. Listen, just because Linh lets him off the hook doesn't mean I am going to as well."

"We aren't asking you to do that. Obviously, we are all going to need time to decide for ourselves," Biana replies.

I nod and turn back to walk to my room.

Trying to update as much as possible!


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