My Not-so-Secret-Anymore-Boyfriend

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Biana's Pov

"Dex, we really shouldn't be doing this." I breathe in the crisp night air.

The strawberry blonde-haired boy turns to me, "We aren't doing anything wrong. I mean is holding hands and taking a midnight stroll with my girlfriend such a crime?"

I smile loving to hear him call me his girlfriend. We decided to make it official after the whole blowout with Sophie and Tam, and then Keefe getting kidnapped. Both of us realized that even though we have an indefinite life span, everything that is happening with Everblaze made us think about how short life can be.

I swing our entwined hands, "No, but don't you feel at least a little guilty that we are having a romantic fun night while Sophie, Keefe, and Tam are stuck with Everblaze?"

"I guess. I just keep thinking back to what Sophie had said. Do you think she meant it?"

"I hope not," Dex and I sit down in the cool grass, "Do you think that she meant it?"

My boyfriend turns to face me, "No. Sophie wouldn't do that, not the Sophie that we know and love."

"Dex! Be serious. Our best friends are living with the enemy, one who lost her memories of all things good, one who is so hopelessly in love they would do anything for them even die, and one who is being forced into some diabolical plan!" I snap.

"You think that she is gone for good?" he whispers.

I feel tears slip down my cheeks as I lean closer to Dex, "I can't be sure, but whatever Jolie is gonna make them do. It's going to be very bad."

Dex's periwinkle eyes lookup to meet mine, I see water pool in them. We lean forward and our lips meet. Butterflies erupt in my stomach making me dizzy with joy. It is sweet and soft, almost as if he is trying to comfort me without saying anything. As soon as the kiss starts it ends.

"Sorry I shouldn't have, I-I," He stutters.

I place a shaky hand on the side of his face, "It's okay, in fact, it's better than okay. It is perfect."

My hands move to his shoulders as I pull him in for a comforting hug. I inhale deeply taking in the metal-y scent from Dex working with gadgets all day. I feel him tense up but soon relax into the embrace. I feel like I could stay there forever.

"There was another thing that I was thinking about," Dex murmurs in my ear.

"And that is..."

"How are we going to tell your brother?"

I jerk out of his arms surprised by his question, "Maybe we should go inside and just kiss in front of him."

A blush creeps up his neck onto his cheeks, "I, uhm, uh, well, if that is what you want then um-"

"I'm just kidding! To be honest I have no idea, for now though. I think that we should just enjoy the moment."

Just as I am about to lean in for another kiss a voice snaps us out of the trance, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER?"

Fitz and all of his raging glory stand before the sunrise. Almost like one of those things that Sophie used to talk about, from the movies. His face turns so red it almost looks purple as he stalks toward Dex. I stand abruptly and move so I am in between my furious brother and my not-so-secret-anymore-boyfriend.

"Suprise?" I squeak out.

Hey everyone, sorry this is such a short chapter, I kind of needed a filler to boost the next one. Do you think that I should continue with this story, or add more action, or what? Also OMG!!!! I cannot believe that I have 836 views!


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