Popping the Question

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Keefe's Pov

I pace nervously in front of Sophie's parent's room. How am I going to get Grady's permission to do this? We've only been dating for 5 months and most of that was in captivity! I just know that I love her more than anything. The door opens and I stop dead in my tracks. Edaline's auburn hair swishes behind her.

"Keefe? Are you okay? You look stressed."

I let out a breath, "Yeah, yeah, no I'm fine. I-I was just hoping I could speak with you and Grady for a second."

"Yeah, of course. Should I be worried?" she asks.

I shake my head again, "No, not at all. Is Grady in there?"

Edaline opens the door wider inviting me in, "Yes, I'll grab him real quick, why don't you just take a seat."

I sit down on a couch that they have placed in the middle of their living area. There is a coffee table separating me and two seats. My heart races and I twist my fingers anxiously. Grady steps into the room with a scowl on his face, Edaline rubbing his back calmly. They sit down across from me Edaline with a bright smile and Grady with a glare.

"What can we help you with Sencen," Grady growls.

"Well, Sophie was telling me about a lot of human traditions, and I thought the respectful thing to do was to come to you first."

Grady squints his eyes in confusion, "I'm not sure I follow where this is going."

I take a deep breath, "I would like to have your permission, to ask Sophie to marry me."


"I want to ask Sophie to-"

He holds his hand up to stop me, "No, I heard what you said. What brought this surprising thought on?"

"Last night, Sophie and I were um, watching a movie and I just looked at her, I just knew. I want to spend the rest of my life with her," I smile at the memory of her messy hair in her face.

"Yes, I don't know about Grady, but you have my full approval," Edaline claps her hands together in excitement.

Grady's puzzled/angry face smooths into a smile, "Of course. You have my permission. As much as I hate to admit it, you are the perfect half to my daughter. If you do one wrong thing to hurt her though..." he trails off sliding his finger in front of his throat.

"Really? I can ask her to marry me?" I say surprised. Both Grady and Edaline nod. "Thank you, thank you. I know it'll mean so much to her to have your blessing. I promise I won't do anything to hurt her ever. I love her so much."

"Good. Now how are you going to propose?"

"I am going to take her to the hallway we first met in tonight. I know it's stupid and cliche, but I don't know, I feel like that's the best place."

"Awwwweeee! Well, you should go set up then!"

I thank them again and take out my pathfinder setting the crystal for Foxfire. Warmth surrounds me and I step through the light into a familiar hallway. I smile to myself remembering the exact moment we met, I decided to ditch class, thank god I did too. I had been sprawled out across the bench and a blonde mess hurried down the hall with a giant welt on her hand. My heart flutters nervously as I start to set up lights around the hall. What if she says no? She won't say no right? She loves me right? She's going to say yes and we're going to live happily ever after. Before I had asked for Grady and Edaline's permission I brought a bunch of Calla's flowers over to set up. In the middle of the gleaning hallway is a table with a white cloth covering it. I had Flori make a batch of Foster's favorite starkflower stew.

Everything should be perfect, I have her favorite flowers, favorite food, the place we first met, and my family ring. It doesn't technically mean anything and I obviously want to take her name rather than keep mine, but still, it means something to me. Talking to my Father about proposing to Sophie was interesting and frustrating, to say the least, but I've been waiting for his approval all my life, having him approve of Foster and me being together means everything. The light outside dwindles, the hall only being illuminated by the small fairy lights and candles set up on the table. Even if I hadn't gotten her parent's approval I was still going to set this up, we haven't technically been on a date before. She should be here any minute. Sophie's body appears in the middle of the hall, her back facing me.

"Are you lost?" I ask remembering the very first words I said to her.

She turns to face me. Sophie stands wearing an off-the-shoulder red dress with gold accents. Her pink and blonde hair twisted into a half-up half-down braid. My lips pull into a smile and for once, I'm at a loss for words. Foster blushes and walks toward me nervously. She stumbles trying to walk in the heels and I move to catch her. She looks up at me through her eyelashes turning even more red than before.

"First place we met, the first thing you ever said to me... any special reason you invited me out?" her gorgeous brown eyes meet mine.

I shrug, taking her hand, "Nothing in particular."

She squeezes my hand and moves to kiss me. After pulling away Foster takes her first look around the room, "You-you did this all for me?"

"You're not the only one who can be mysterious Foster," I tease, pulling out a seat for her. "I must warn you though, Forkle wants us out by 10:30."

"I'm sure that won't be a problem."

I smirk at her, "Oh, you have no idea how romantic and charming I can be. Once we're done with tonight you are never ever going to want to leave me."

"Who says I would ever want to leave you now?" she questions.

I ignore the question and pull the silver top off her platter revealing the perfectly made stew. We eat in comfortable silence with light banter bouncing between us here and there. As we get closer to finishing my nerves start acting up. I'm actually going to propose tonight. We might actually get married and spend the rest of our lives together.

Foster's hand rests on mine drawing me out of my thoughts, "Keefe, honey, is everything okay?"

I clear my throat and pull the small box from my pocket turning it anxiously in my hand, "No, NO! Not at all, quite the opposite actually."

I try to stand up stumbling out of my chair. She giggles and I move to a kneeling position on the ground. Sophie catches on and moves her hands to her face.

"Foster, ever since we met, in this hallway, I felt drawn to you. Ever since that ride on Silveny to get your abilities reset I knew that I was in love with you. When you started dating Fitz I felt lost, but I didn't say anything because you seemed so happy with him. Then when we were kidnapped and you were forced to break my heart I thought maybe this would work out, maybe everything would be perfect. And it has, everything has been- is perfect. Everything is perfect because of you because you are perfect because I feel perfect whenever I'm with you. So, Sophie, Foster, my Mysterious Miss F, Lady Fos-Boss, will you do me the great honor of marrying me?" I hold my breath waiting for an answer.

"Yes! Yes of course I will marry you!" tears fall from her eyes and she kisses my face all over. "God, I love you so much."

"I love you more than words can express, Foster."

Ahhhhh! I'm finally off of my writer's block! I have so much inspiration for this story and am so excited!! Hope you are happy and healthy!


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