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Today is my 17th birthday which is I'm almost an adult that can smoke weed whenever I wants. I know it's Black Friday but I don't give a shit about it because like I said before, it's nothing but morons going to Walmart or whatever fighting over shit that they don't need simply because the price is cheap.

I got up out of the bed, made them up, handle my business, flush the toilet, washed my hands and got out of the bathroom as I saw my mom in the kitchen cooking pancake since she gets ready to say something.
"Feliz cumpleaños Mario (Happy birthday Mario)", My mom said as she puts the blueberry pancake on the plates.
"Gracias mamá (Thank you mom)", I said as I sat down on the stool and watching my mom fixing me the glass of orange juice.

My mom usually be the first ones who tells me "happy birthday" before everybody eles especailly when it's on Thanksgiving which is it's on that day sometimes. My mom gave me the plates of pancake and sausage along with the glass of orange juice as I grabs the fork and start eating before I put my clothes on and go to the barber shop to get my hair cut since I need it to be cut anyways.

I ain't been to the barber shop in the while since the last time I been to there was a week after I got the braces in my mouth where I can't eat certain things for a while. After I get my hair cut, I'm going to the mall to get my outfit since the dinner ain't going to start until tonight anyways.

I got the text messages from Misha giving me the birthday wish but I'll read the rest of it after I eat breakfast because I know I don't be on the phone while I'm eating. I wonder did she make the cake last night because I know she have been helping her parents with the Thanksgiving dinner all day yesterday and was tired like I was since I didn't go home until after 9 PM because I was helping Aunt Sharon cleaning up her mess.

I don't know about the plans for Christmas yet but we only got a month to figure out but right now, it's my birthday and I'll be going to the barber shop in a couple of hours.

I'm at work doing the African girl hair on the cool Friday Midday since it's partly cloudy today. I watch the weather last night before I go to be which is I don't need an coat today because today is in the upper 50's going on 60's.

I know you asking how is my Thanksgiving yesterday at my grandma's house. I had an long ass day since I spend all day helping my family getting ready for the dinner by making the side dishes. I didn't take no breaks until a few hours before we eat since I went to the guest room and took an nap for a couple of hours until Aunt Brenda woke me up.

My mom didn't bother tell my family about Mya's pregnancy because it's wasn't the right time to tell them since it's the holiday and she wants it drama free. If she did, my family would be pissed off especailly my grandma since she knows my mom taught me and Mya better than that.

I went home around 8 PM after I help my mom and grandma cleaning up the house since I was tired and ready to go home anyways. Either way, I still had an good Thanksgiving dinner with my grandma since I didn't eat her homemade sweet potatoes pie until a couple of hours after I took my nightly hygiene.

When I'm done doing the African's lady hair, I gave her the mirror as she gets ready to say something.
"Wow Mona, you did an good job", She said as she looks at her honey blonde hair that I spend an hour doing it.
"Thank you", I said as she gave me an $100 tips as I put them in the jar. 

Before I go out with Normani for the lunch break, I told her what to do with her hair which is including tying them when she gets ready to go to sleep. She told everybody bye as I start cleaning up my workplace before I go on the lunch break which is almost time for me to go.

While I'm sweeping the hair off of the floor, Normani gets ready to say something to me.
"Mona, I'll be at my mom's car waiting", She said as another jazz music start playing in the background.
"Okay", I said as I make sure the hair supplies is put up so that I'll know where I puts it when I get back to work. 

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