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I'm at the media center drawing the same black lady I did yesterday but I only drawn the head and the braids. While I'm drawing, I saw Mario walking into the library with the Snapple brand sweet tea as he walking to my table.
"What's up Misha", He said as he gave me an hug. Holy shit, he's smell smell like Freshwater cologne from Bath And Body works since they makes bath stuff for guys too.
" Hey Mario", I said as he sat down while the 2 girls mean mugged me which is I didn't pay them no mind.

He was getting ready to asked me something until I saw Marcus, Mona and Mya with her rude ass walking into the media center as they all sat down on the table.
"Hey guys", She said as she took her book out while Mya mean mugged me since she had an attitude. Me personally, I don't give a damn about her attitude, she better not talk to me any kind of way because she was lucky that I'm not like them girls from Kirkwood, Edgewood, East Lake nor any other hood on the East side of Atlanta.

All 4 of us continue talking until the bells rings as we got up and waved at Mona bye and headed to the life skills class. While we walking upstairs, Marcus getting ready to asked me something.
" Yo Misha, do you got anything plan to do this weekend?" He asked.
"Not really, why?", I asked want to know why he asking me.
"My girl is having the birthday party on Saturday and I want to know if you want to come?", He asked as we walking on the last stairs to the Life Skill Class.

"I don't know, I'm not an party person", I said since I don't go that much parties unless it's my younger cousin's birthday at either skating rink or Chuck E Cheeses.
"I feel you, I don't do party that much neither", Mario said since that's one of the thing me and him got in common. I might go to the birthday party because I know his girlfriend wants to meet me.

I think both of them is cute especially Marcus which is whoever boyfriend that is, she is very lucky to have him since I'm not the type of person who steal some girl man nor being involved in the love triangle.

Marcus just invite Misha to come to Candance's birthday party on Saturday which is she going have to asked her parents first. She just like me, not an party type party especially block party which is like house party, people getting their heads knocked off over some petty bullshit especially Pittsburgh.

I swear, for the past a few months, I've been hearing people getting their head knocked off but it's mostly over some bitch which is they don't want their ass. I'm like goddamn, if the girl don't want them, they need to move the hell on especially dudes around my age. He was going to asked Mona but she going to be busy that day but she'll meet Candace some other time.

Now I'm at my 3rd block just talking to Misha while everybody talking about homecoming including pep rally. I'm not the huge pep rally fan because its nothing but sitting at the bench for an hour hollering and screaming the same shit over and over. I'm like for God sakes, can y'all at least come up with something new because they be giving me an headache everytime they screaming the same shit. Especially females since they hella lot worst than guys because they be thirsty as hell everytime they seen either football player or basketball player.

They be saying "he my future baby daddy", " he's my future husband ", " I want to be in bed with him" or blah blah blah like they are August Alsina and some shit. While me and Misha talking since we got an substitute teacher until further notice, I saw the paper ball throwed as I'm getting pissed off and it's was Paris, Brandon, Xavier and the other guy with dreads looks like Future when he first came out.

"What the hell is wrong with y'all?", I asked as they laughing like that shit is funny which is its not.
"Why are you sitting that fat bitch knowing that no guys wants her?", Xavier said as the other 3 laughing at the played out fat joke like it's affect Misha's life which is its don't because at least she so respect for herself unlike Paris and her ratchet ass friends.

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