Chapter 19

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Hey guys! I just edited this, if there is any mistakes, let me know in the comments. I hope that you are all okay, it's finally December. I am ready for 2020 to be over. Haha, happy reading!

1538 words

Melissa's POV

Hermione, Draco, Ron, Harry and I are with professor Filch. We are serving our delightful detention. Great! The best day of my life. "A pity they let the old punishments die. There was a time detention would find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God, I miss the screaming." Excuse me, did I hear that right? Screaming?! Draco definitely looks a bit threatened by Filch's choice of words. "You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. He's got a little job to do inside the dark forest."

Hagrid seems to be sniffling, he seems rather disturbed; he is also carrying a crossbow. As long as he doesn't use that on me, I'm happy. Right now, I choose to stand next to Draco.. as much as I hate it, I'd rather be next to him than Harry or Ron. "A sorry lot this, Hagrid. Oh, good God, man, you're not still on about that bloody dragon, are you?" Hagrid seems heartbroken and Filch isn't very considerate in this current dilemma. "Norbert's gone. Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony." Hermione objects to the fact that it's good that Norbert can be with his own species. She does have a point. "Yeah, but what if he don't like Romania? What if the other dragons are mean to him? He's only a baby, after all." I stay awfully quiet as I can't find the energy in me to try to cheer Hagrid up. "Oh, for Gods sake, pull yourself together, man." At those words, I snapped, Filch cannot and will not speak to Hagrid like that. "Imagine if Mrs Norris got sent away, how would you feel? I bet you'd feel as upset as Hagrid is right now. Show some sympathy, Hagrid's always wanted a dragon." Filch looks at me with disgust; like I've crossed the line but do I care? No. I'm fed up with humans today, all of them. Hagrid sends a grateful smile my way. "You're going into the forest, after all. Got to have your wits about you." After Draco's painful silence for the last few minutes, he bursts out in desperation. "The forest? I thought that was a joke! We can't go in there. Students aren't allowed. And there are... werewolves!" Now this I can have a little fun with, I smile to myself. "Aww, is little Draco scared? Do you want me to hold your hand?" I mock him as he shoots a death glare my way. We both stand there death glaring each other, oh boy, it looks could kill we'd both be dead. "There's more than werewolves in those trees, lad. You can be sure of that. Nighty-night." With that, Filch sets off on his way back to the historic castle and we head off in the opposite direction; to the forbidden forest. Now here's what I don't understand, the forest is forbidden but we go in there for detentions? I am questioning Dumbledore's logic right now.

As we walk deeper into the forest, there's dead silence, it's utterly agonising. Until we reach a certain spot that seems to be covered with a glittering slinky puddle. Hagrid bends down to dip his fingers into a silver puddle. Harry decided to speak up "Hagrid, what is that?" We all look questionably at Hagrid awaiting for the answers he is about to fulfil us with. "What we're here for. See that? That's unicorn's blood, that is. I found one dead a few weeks ago. Now, this one's been injured bad by something. So, it's our job to find the poor beast. Ron, Hermione, you'll come with me. And Melissa, Harry and Malfoy will go together. Great, I'm stuck with the two most argumentative people in this world. I gulp as I hear the half giant's words, I am in the stage of denial. I refuse to even acknowledge Harry. "Okay. Then I get Fang!" Draco is determined to have at least one good thing in this detention. "Fine. Just so you know, he's a bloody coward."

The three of us, Harry, Draco and I set off on our way to find the dead unicorn. As we get further into the forest, the air around me gets colder and the tension rises every second. Every step I take, I find it even more difficult to see what's ahead of me. Draco decided to break the awkward silence. "You wait till my father hears about this. This is servant's stuff." Oh great, an argument is ahead of us, I can just sense it. I wish I could just ditch these two. "If I didn't know better, Draco, I'd say you were scared." I roll my eyes as Harry speaks, as you know I'm not going to utter a word to him. "Scared, Potter?" Malfoy scoffs at Harry's words. "Honestly you two, you sound like a married couple arguing. You clearly have the undying love between you, it's in your roots." Draco whips his head around to say something but suddenly hears a howl sound. He exchanges frightened looks with me. "Did you hear that? Come on, Fang. Scared." Draco starts to walk ahead of Harry and I which leads me to roll my eyes as I walk up to catch up to him; desperately in the need to get away from Harry.

As the three of us walk, Harry a few steps behind Draco and I. The platinum haired boy can't stop bickering the whole way but our tracks stop when we see this hooded figure. All three of us stood there, almost helpless like. Draco starts screaming for help clearly having no clue on how to save himself in his current situation. "Oh, move out of my way." What immediately came to my mind when I saw the hooded figure was that it looked like a dementor. I've never seen one, yes my father taught me how to fight one but I never got to experiment with one. "EXPECTO PATRONUM." I shout at the top of my lungs, immediately thinking of my happiest memory of my dad and I. As soon as those words come out from my mouth.. the figure was banished. Far away into the forest. If I'm correct, Draco's exact words were "woah. That was incredible. How did you do that?!" Just a lot of practice I thought to myself, Harry had seemed to have made his way to the floor. I must've pushed him.. well he deserves that. I decided that anger shouldn't get the better of me so I held my hand out for him which he gratefully accepted. "I thought you didn't like me." I rolled my eyes, "Harry, there's a fine line between hate and wanting you to die. I don't hate you, I'm just upset that you couldn't keep a secret." Before Harry could answer a centaur appeared interrupting Harry's shine moment of an apology. "Harry Potter, you must leave. You are known to many creatures here. The forest is not safe at this time. Especially for you." Wow, thanks for the concern about me. Harry clearly had questions on what I saved him from, which I answered. I told him it was a dementor. However the centaur disagreed with me. "You mean to say.. that thing wasn't a dementor? But it must be, I used a patronus charm." The centaur informed me that a dementor sucks out all the happiness from the world and the air around you.. turns into a different form of water.. ice. "Well I wasn't exactly feeling happy there. Besides if it wasn't a dementor, why did it vanish?" The centaur had an answer to that too.. something about the light from my wand. It was too bright for the hooded figure to stay. "That thing was a monstrous creature. It is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn. Drinking the blood of a unicorn will keep you alive even if you are an inch from death. But at a terrible price. You have slain something so pure that the moment the blood touches your lips, you will have a half-life. A cursed life." Harry asked who would choose such a life but there's one person who would.. "Voldemort." I spoke out with a hint of fear of the name. The centaur seemed to agree with my knowledge. We were then reassured that it was the philosopher stone that was hidden in the castle. The centaur then decided to turn its attention to me. "You're Melissa Snape aren't you? You look so much like your mother.." Prior to my question on why he would say such a thing and who my mother was, Hagrid, Ron and Hermione interrupted us in our discussion. "Hello there, Firenze. I see you've met our young Mr. Potter and Miss Snape You all right there, Harry and Melissa?" We both nodded. "Harry Potter and Melissa Snape this is where I leave you two. You're safe now. Good luck." With that, Firenze was off.. just like that. I guess that's one more person to add to the list of escaping questions about my mother. I didn't understand all the secrecy. What can be so dangerous for me to know?!

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