theres something wrong

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Landons POV

I picked up now sleeping hope from the bathroom floor and carried her to her bed before wrapping her in a blanket and holding her in my arms she was snoring slightly and looked peacefully and calm. Her pink lips slightly opened and her silky hair framing her slightly pink face. She looked so valuable and calm.

An hour later

I felt her start to wake in my arms so I   ran my hand on she cheek softly her eyes slowly opened and cuddled up and into my chest.

Hope's POV

I curled my arms around my sweet caring boyfriend. He was always there for me and I loved him so much.

"I love you" I whispered softly into his ear before feeling Landons warm hands on my back. He kissed my forehead and whispered that he loved me back.

I could honestly have stayed like that all day curled up into my boyfriend. But then I remembered that I still had my own secret growing inside of me.

Landons POV

As my girlfriend was laying on me I saw a different side of her a side that she kept from the world a side that was sweet and vaunrable.

I could feel her soft breathing and her sweet smell like flowers. She was my forever and everything.

Suddenly I heard the door open and I saw lizzie and josie walk in to Hope's room. There eyes scrunched when they saw hope laying on me. What's wrong with her? Lizzie asked.

Shes sick I said rubbing my hand on her back.

Josie's POV

Me and my twin sister walked Into Hope's room. Dad wanted us to go and try to make sure shes ok.

When we walked into the bedroom we saw hope in my ex boyfriends arms. She had a pink sweater on and was rapped up in a blanket.

Whats wrong with her my sister snarkaly asked I hit her softly before hearing Landon mention her being sick.

This seemed really unlike hope she hardly ever wore pink and she looked so delicate and calm hope never seemed either of those. I started to see hope waking up.

Hope's POV

I hear my boyfriend move softly and say something I moved a little tucking my head into the crease of his neck. Suddenly I felt sick. I got up off my boyfriend quickly looked at him and the saltzman twins befor putting my hand over my mouth and running to the bathroom before falling against the open toilet and throwing up harshly not being able to breathe as the vomit poured out. I cried softly and heard the twins and Landon run in. I knew I had to tell everybody I was pregnant because something felt

itsseriesfan please comment and give my story love

Tnx darlings Rosie_the_phyco sorry for not posting for like ever been so busy

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