an unexpected surprise

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Landon POV

I walked through the hallways of  the salvatore school past the twins who by the bit of information I heard that they were scheming a plan.

Finally I was to hope (my girlfriends) room. Twisted the knob and walked In a puzzled look scattered across my face when i didn't see hope in her bed.

Suddenly i heard retching coming from my girlfriends connected bathroom. I saw her kneeling on the floor with all of her hair pulled to one side and her head in the toilet bowl.

Hope I asked resting my hand on the wooden door frame.

She looked back at me with an expression of guilt weakness and like she was hiding something she fake smiled befor tucking a small object behind the toilet.

Hope's POV

I heard my name from behind me. I quickly looked behind me to see my boyfriend landon.

"Shit think of something quick Mickelson" I thought to myself. I flashed a rushed and quick smile and tossed the unseen pregnancy test behind the toilet I was crouching by.

I could tell he wasn't convinced by the smile but looked as if he had put It aside for the moment being.

"Are you ok" Landon asked me with worry puzzling his face. My stomach churned but I held it back I'm just a bit sick not feeling great I said which wasn't fully a lie.

I flushed the toilet and stood up. I stumbled slightly before feeling landon at my side. He walked me to my bed and pulled the covers up to my chest.

I will go get you some soup and tell dr saltzman that you won't be in classes. I snuggled into the bed and I felt tiredness drive over my body.

Landon's such a good boyfriend why am I not telling him that I might be carrying his baby.

Landon's POV

I could tell something was wrong with hope she seemed on edge and nervous and like she was keeping something from me. I knew she wasn't sick I could always tell when my girlfriend is lying but she doesn't know that. I couldn't tell what quite was bothering her though and it was eating slowly away at me.

Hope's POV

I was pulled back to my senses when I heard the door shut. Suddenly i felt nausea spread over me. I ran into the bathroom and started puking oncemore when I was finished I reached my hand behind the toilet and pulled out the the test cautiously afraid of what the test would prove.

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P.s. please look at. legacies_lover15 they have the best content and deserve so much more love

Tnx darlings ~rosie_the_phyco

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