baby shower

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Hope was exited that she would soon be meeting her little bundle of joy and she was really hoping everything would be done in time. Since it was already her 8th month of pregnancy she was preparing for a awesome baby shower.

Hope and landon put together there ideas and created a perfect baby shower plan with lots of fun games. The baby shower would be held at her aunt Rebekahs new house since it was pretty close to the school and it would be a nice environment.

Hope planned out the decor to have tables set up and having streamers and a cake with multi-colored insides. They planned out the structure to have a name game, a gender guessing game, gifts, and cake.

Around 3 pm her invited people showed up.

Guest list:

Her family was there first with big presents making hope feel like it was her birthday. She loved how the remainder of her family always put in effort to make her feel more full and complete when she has the missing hole in her heart left from her parents death.

After lots of hugging and gasps about how much hopes stomach grew since the last time they seen eachother. Hope was happy to get the family time but she could tell that Landon felt a little weird since he didn't have much on a family to be with. Hopes family was practically a family to him even though they weren't biologically his family.

A little bit after hopes familys arrival hopes other guests show up. Hope smiles and held her basketball looking stomach as Landon and rafeal hug and catch up. Hope sits down in the chair taking a deep breath. Everything was more stressful being pregnant.

She thought about taking the medicine that elena had prescribed at there last visit but she didn't want to try it out for the first time when she was obligated to do something.

She hears two people sit on either side of her and she takes her head out of her hands to see it was the twins. She smiles and hugs them closely. She was happy.

Once the baby shower got started they started off with a gender guessing game. Even though nobody knew what the gender would be it was fun to guess and see who gets it right when hopes due date comes around.

Freya abd Keylin were both on blue team and Rebekah and Marcel were on the pink team. The twins and raf were also on pink team and the rest voted on blue team.

Now it was up to landon and hope to make there guess. Hope guessed blue and landon guessed pink. Hope fell in love with the idea of Landon having a little baby girl to admire and love.

Next was the name game. Hope had no clue what she wanted to name the baby so a name game was the perfect idea. She had everyone write down a name for both genders and put them up in a large bin in the front of the room.

Once everyone was done writing down names hope and landon both took a heaping handful a h d picked out there top favorites. Next they switched spots and it was now there turn to look through eachothers chosen names and singling out the ones they didn't like.

After they had 4 of each gender names that they liked. Next it was time for cake. Landon cuts the cake and hope smiles and claps her hands and leaves a kiss on his cheek. Her and Landon shared a peice of cake and everyone else has a peice.

Hope was starting to get tired and it was time for them to unbox the presents. Hope sits down next to landon and they start unwrapping they got alot of baby clothes, diapers, cribs, toys and finally hopes favorite. She got a pregnancy body pillow sorta thing.

After the party everyone went home and hope was to tired to go home so landon brought her up to the spare bedroom.

///comment name suggestion and genderrr////


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