month 4

332 9 0

Pregnancy has been mostly ok for hope but it was time for an altrasound. Hope and landon had been thinking alot about the baby recently and they have been getting more and more excited.

By now everyone knew about the pregnancy so I to wasn't a huge secret anymore.

Hope was getting more and more moody day by day and landon didn't think he could handle another 5 months of hope being a bitchy sensitive wreck. But of course he loved her and he would never leave his girlfriend even if she was like a pregnant tornado.

Hopes aunt Rebekah was able to join her for the altrosousounc along with Landon.

Deep down it scared Landon a bit since he was worried hopes all powerful family wouldn't approve of him and hope even through its kind of too late now anyways.

The ultrasound went amazing with alot of emotion from the couple and Rebekah. Even though the baby has been just a little jelly bean shape for the longest time.

At least the puking has been on the low and shes only been puking every one and a while. Hope had token a large step back from protecting the school but it was starting to make the school less safe.

Hope was worried that something would happen and she didn't know if she should trust that she would be safe and she didn't want to have to choose the safety of the school or her unborn baby. It was something weighing down on her and allways on her mind. She didn't want to loose another person close to her and the school has been getting more and more unsafe.


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