month 8.5

215 4 0

Things have been rushed with the pregnancy and the last month they been being total parent sized shopaholics buying way to many things for the baby when they already had everything that they needed. They decorated an awesome nursery that would be perfect for either gender.

Hope has been more anxious and
nervous lately with being so close to her due date. She didn't have anyone to teach her how to be a good mom and she knew it wasn't a very good situation to be having a baby in a school full of vampires.

Elena had prescribed her with some medication that would help her remain calm on her last appointment. She never used them so far so she was looking forward to trying them and seeing if it made her feel any better as they were supposed to.

Later that night hope was laying in landons lap. She was anxious about the fact that  in a few weeks she would have a baby that depends on her every move. So she decided it was time to try out one of her calming pills.

She reads the labels carefully before taking out two capsules and taking them with a sip of water.

Landon looks into her eyes as he asists her to bed. Hope immediately lays in her pregnancy pillow as she let's out a sigh of relief. She couldn't tell if it was the pregnancy pillow causing her so much confort or the pills that she recently took.

Although she felt better she still had some nervous worried thoughts buzzing around in her head. These worries were mostly caused by her remaining questions that couldn't be answered until the baby was born.

Some of the questions buzzing around in her brain included:

What gender would the baby be?

Would the baby be safe at the salvatore school?

Would hopes previous trauma affect the baby's health?

What would the baby be as a supernatural?

These questions float around hopes mind until finally she dozed off with Landon by her side.

Guys I'm going to get better at writing this for you guys. I love u.

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