month 5

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Hope was already more than halfway through pregnancy wich in some ways was a relief to hope since being pregnant was getting in the way of her role at the school. She was also a little worried about being a mom since she knew practically nothing about babies.

She is still very excited to be a mom despite her worrys and concerns about the new responsibilities she would be taking on. Landon has been a huge help to her. And she was highly appreciative by his efforts. She was glad she didn't need to face thus all alone.

She been doing her weekly visits with elena to get checked out and she was happy that she was getting her weekly visits to make a use that everything is alright.

Today's appointment would be to test out and see if the magical bracelet was making a difference or being useful. After hope and landon woke up they went to a small diner fr some breakfast.  Hope ate something normal for once wich Landon was relieved about.

After that Landon drove her to the clinic where she had her appointment. Elena told her that the baby still had alot of magic around it and that the magic consuming bracelet was helping but not by much. Hope was concerned about this even when elena told her that it would most likely be just fine.

Hope was just hoping to be able to get through the remainder of her pregnancy without any severe problems.


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