month 7

293 8 0

The sound of the school's lock down siren blairs through the halls. Hope springs up from an obvious light sleep noticing Landon beside her in the bed. He slowly creak his eyes open and already to the situation at hand.

He takes hopes hand qnd grabs there emergency bag containing basically anything u could need for a variety of different things. He leads her across the room into the bathroom before helping her sit in the bathtub.

They both knew what they would have to do. They would need to stay there and wait until there was an all clear on the school. They would need to stay practically silent for the remainder of the attack on the school.

Hope knew she needed to be helping but how could she put her own child's life in danger. She looks down at her large looking stomach. She set a hand down onto her tummy.

She feels Landon wrap his protective arms around her shoulders. He lays a warm kiss onto her cheek. She leans into his arms. He takes out a blanket and a pillow and wrap the blanket around her resting his head on the pillow.

Hope was deep in thought thinking about the whole situation. She wanted to help them. It was her instinct to fight.  She could see the lights flickering and random bangs against the walls.

Hearing landons slow snoring and the warmth all over he she started to get any with her lack of sleep. As the hours passed she tossed and turned as every noice thunders through her head shaking her skull and brain.

She slowly got up from the bathtub unaware of where she was even going. She just needed a release. She was worried about shifting when she was so pregnant so instead she creeps out of the room.

Out of nowhere she feels a sharp pain in her back and shd feels herself fall.

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