month one

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The nurse comes up to landon with a expression hard to read. It was an expression showing that they finally found out what was wrong but she was trying to stay calm.

The babys in a ball of magic right now and its very powerful and may be a danger 

After being told that the baby was covered by a magical orb of magic hope received a bracelet to suck away some of the magic so when the baby would be born it wouldn't be as powerful and dangerous. 

Now that they knew what was happening it was a lot easier to understand and hope eventually felt a lot better and her pregnancy went back to semi-normal with occasional mood swings and cravings for very strange food combinations that should honestly never be put together. 

Hope was now in about a month of pregnancy and she knew she was going to have to tell everyone soon enough which she was honestly terrified about since she was only still a teenager and didn't want to be judged. 

With all these things hope has started to get stressed making it nearly impossible to do schoolwork. Landon eventually noticed her stress and had been helping her push past all the random little stressful things nagging at the tribrid. 

Overall hope was really happy to soon be a mom and get to hold her little bundle of joy for the first time. She also wondered what the baby's magic would be like and it was pretty complicated due to the fact that hope was a tribrid and Landon was a phoenix and she had been looking around for someone who could help her figure things out. 

Once she shared that with the twins they found a great idea to share with hope. Elena Salvatore could be Hope's doctor and expert with the supernatural so it was a perfect idea that everyone agreed on. 

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