month 8

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Its been a month since what happened and this was the soonest time hope would be able to get a check up for the baby. Hope was nervous something happened when she got attacked by the monster.


She slowly got up from the bathtub unaware of where she was even going. She just needed a release. She was worried about shifting when she was so pregnant so instead she creeps out of the room.

Out of nowhere she feels a sharp pain in her back and shd feels herself fall. She immediately blacks out. A few minutes later doctor saltzman picks her up rushing her back into Landons room.

Landon was awake now and rushes to hopes side holding her tight. The next morning hope had a small mark on her back that wasn't too severe but still worrying to the young couple.

Once hope woke up the pain was moderate but still very painful for the tribrid. She was anxious about the baby but she couldn't schedule an apology for a while.

Landon sat in the front drivers seat of the little jeep that hope got from her dad before he passed. Hope was sitting in the passenger seat with one hand on her stomach and her leg bouncing in anxiousness.

Landon rubs her thigh softly qs he drives making sure to keep his eyes on the road while caring about hope a bit too. They had a little talk were Landon helped her feel a little better and also promised never to leave.

After the appointment the results came out better than the couple expected with nothing wrong with the baby. On the other hand the baby was slightly being affected by stress so elena prescribed hope some medication to help her calm down more.


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