Chapter Twelve

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Mark's POV 

"I still don't see why we had to leave just to give them some privacy."

"Do you think they've kissed already?" Yugyeom asked JB.

"Seeing how excited Jr. was, he probably couldn't help himself and attacked Jenny." The older one replied.

"Does no one see me anymore?" I crossed my arms and slouched in my seat. 

"I still see you, Mark." an idiot grinned as he sat beside me.

"Not now, Jackson." 

As you might've thought from the previous chapter, it seems that these idiots had planned to leave Jenny and Jr. alone. Well you're wrong! That perverted monster Jr. asked these idiots for help. And of course I was dragged along with them because apparently I would, "slow down the process". BS.

"It's getting pretty late.." I said staring at the clock on the wall. "Where did they go?" 

"Aww, is Mark worried? Or is Mark just-" Jackson was cut off by the sound of the front door opening.

"Well look who finally decided to come home!" I crossed both arms and legs.

"Hehe, hey guys." The two said in unison. When they realized that they both said the exact same thing at the same time, they looked at each other and giggled. The sight made me gag. 

"Ugh, gross. I'm going to my room." I thought that the idea of me leaving would cause some sort of reaction from Jenny. But I was wrong. She didn't bother to look in my direction and was so focused on Jr. 

"Where did you guys go?" 

"What took you guys so long?"

"Are you guys dating now?"

All the questions that has been bombarding my mind the last couple of hours were all asked by the nosy members. I'm actually grateful they asked because I never would've had the courage to. 

"Ahh, that.." Jenny began. I leaned my head against the door of my room to get a better hearing of what she was about to say. I've never felt so pathetic in my whole life, my tall frame leaning against a thin door, eavesdropping as if my life depended on it. The sight of me at this very moment made me disappointed in myself. But I shook those thoughts away for the time being and listened.

"That's right! Jenny and I are dating now!" Jr. said almost shouting. It's as if he was being loud on purpose to make sure I heard.

"Guys, please be nice to my Jenny~" 

"WOAH! SERIOUSLY?!" Everyone in the room yelled. Even though I couldn't see their faces, I knew that every single one of them had their mouths wide open, including me.

I ran through my hair in frustration as I sat on my bed. 

"It's too late now.."


Mark's POV 

The next morning~

"Mark, Markiepoo~ Wake up~" Jackson shook me with his foot.

"Oh? What is it?" I asked annoyed. I rubbed my eyes and looked up at him. He was already dressed. 

"Come on, we're late for practice." He began to pull me up but I stopped him from continuing.

"I'm not feeling too well right now. I'll catch up later." I pulled the covers over my head, blocking the bright light. 

"Okay just make sure to get there before JYP hyung finds out and to lock up before you leave!"

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