Chapter Six

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"How old are you?"

"How long are you planning on living with them?" 

"Are you a student?"

"Have you told anyone that you live with GOT7?"

Those were some of the questions GOT7's manager had bombarded me with during last night's dinner. Because their manager scared the shit out of me and all I can remember was him sending me death glares, I don't remember much of what happened last night. I do remember setting a deal with their manager.

There's a good and bad in almost everything, including the deal we made. The good part of the deal is that I can continue staying in GOT7's dorm. The bad part is that in return for allowing me to stay with them, I have to be their personal maid.

Do you wanna hear something funny? I was actually the one who suggested the idea. Don't ask why because I don't know the reason either. I didn't think that they would actually take me seriously. Oh well, it's already been decided. At least we have two days off!

Speaking of being GOT7's personal maid, after dinner, the boys have been teasing me nonstop about my new position in the dorm all night. Excluding Mark. 

"Jenny, can you vacuum the floor? I can feel crumbs everywhere."

"Can you wash my clothes? I don't have anything to wear."

"Can you give me a back massage?" 

Sometimes I wanted to yell, "Do it yourself! I'm not your maid!" But then I remember that I am. I hate it when my mouth doesn't stop talking during times when I shouldn't be talking, and I hate it when I can't even utter a word when I'm flustered. Just like whenever Mark does something cute. Whenever he's around, for some odd reason, I get chest pains. I should go to a doctor and get this checked out. 

Speaking of the devil, I haven't heard a single word from him since the dinner last night. This morning, I was about to enter the bathroom right after he finished. I greeted him good morning right when he opened the door and you know what he did? He completely ignored me and walked past me. I thought he was just being grumpy because he was still sleepy. So I decided to ignore it and continue on with my day. 

But then, he continued giving me attitude. When I asked nicely if he could get me a glass cup because my tiny legs were nothing against the high shelf, he ignored me once again. Not only did he ignore me, but he also got a glass cup for himself. Himself! Once again, I decided to ignore Mark's odd behavior and continued on with my day. 

But noooo. Mark isn't done yet. He still isn't satisfied. 

The boys (including evil Mark) and I decided to watch a movie in the living room. It was pretty dark outside already. It was around 8 pm, so we decided, actually they decided that we should watch a horror movie. (Yay for horrow movies! lol, no)

Let me get this straight, I hate horror movies. No, scratch that, I despise them. The closest thing I watch that could be considered horror is crime scene investigations. None of that horror movies with creepy ass dolls, supernatural, any of that BS. No. 

Of course, the one who was so passionate about watching a horror movie was no one other than Mark. He must really hate my guts. 

All of us actually voted to watch a comedy film and Mark was the only one who voted for horror. What's weird is that as soon as Mark said he wanted to watch a horror movie, everyone gave up their original votes for comedy and agreed to watch horror. Why are they being extra nice to Mark?

During one of the most terrifying scenes I've ever watched in my entire life, Mark decided to give me his final blow. While I was too busy covering my eyes, that little sneaky shit crawled to the back of the couch and tackled me from the back. Obviously, I was scared as hell. I thought that one of the murderers from the movie had appeared in real life and attacked me.

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