Chapter Twenty-Two

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Jenny's POV

"Junior, wait.." I called, following after Junior. JB had barely parked the car but that didn't stop Junior from getting out first. Junior stopped in front of the dorm's door and held the door knob and hesitated for a moment. 

"Can we talk tomorrow? I'm a little tired from the filming." he said, his back still facing me.

"I'll go in first." He said before closing the door behind him. 

As I remained standing a few steps away from where Junior stood, I clenched my fists. What was I expecting? For Junior to smile at me and tell me that everything will be okay? At this rate, Junior will never speak to me again, and I honestly don't blame him. 


The next morning, Junior was in a surprisingly good mood. He smiled at me the moment he saw me and he was all smiles during breakfast as well. He even laughed at all of Jackson's jokes. I was the first one to finish eating and the first one to finish getting ready for school. 

As I was tying my shoes, I jumped in surprise. Junior had suddenly appeared behind me.

"I'll take you to school." He smiled as he slid his shoes on to his feet. I watched him as he opened the door and I followed.


Junior and I decided to take the bus. He held my hand as he led me to the very back. We sat in silence for a while until Junior finally spoke.

"You know, I woke up today knowing it's time to stop loving you." He looked at me and smiled weakly. It hurt to look at him. I turned away and looked down at my lap. "I'm sorry." 

"Don't be. It's not your fault, really. I knew we were doomed from the start. I already knew that you had feelings for Mark and yet I still asked you to be my girlfriend. I just.. I just didn't think it'd end this fast."

"How did you know?" I asked, anxious to hear the answer.

"I see the way you look at him, and I hated you for it. I told myself I hated you. But deep down, I knew I didn't hate you. I hated myself for standing back and letting it all happen." Junior clenched his fists as he spoke.

He holds my hand and looks at me in the eye before continuing, "I just want you to be okay. I want you to be happy. Even if that means I'm the one who's broken." I couldn't hold it any longer at this point. I began to bawl my eyes out, earning stares from annoyed passengers. 

Junior wraps his arms around me which causes me to cry even harder. "If you keep crying like that, I'm gonna start crying too," he teased. I punched him weakly in the chest as I rested my forehead on his shoulder. He chuckled as he began to pat the back of my head. 

The bus suddenly jerks to a stop causing me to lift my head off Junior's shoulder. Junior laughed at the sight of my face. My mascara was running and strands of my hair were sticking to all sorts of directions. But I didn't care. I was happy that even for just a little bit, I could make Junior laugh. 

The bus had stopped a few blocks away from my school, and I was already planning on skipping when Junior grabs each of my arms as he puts on my backpack behind me. He stands up and pulls me up with him before pushing me toward the front of the bus. I turned around and Junior was already sitting down as he waved at me. 

As I was about to jump off the steps, Junior calls out my name. I took three steps back and looked back at him, "What?"

"As for how long this heartbreak is gonna last, which I'm sure will be quite a while," he shouted, "I'll let you know when and if it ever really stops." 

"Get off already!" The bus driver grumbled. I got off hurriedly and stood by the sidewalk, watching Junior through his window as he continued waving. 

Stop crying, he mouthed. I wiped away the tears with the back of my hand and smiled up at him. The bus began to move. I had the sudden urge to get back on, but I stopped myself before doing so. Instead, I kept waving at Junior until the bus turned right, where I could no longer see it. 


Junior's POV

I watched Jenny as she attempted to smile through her tears, causing me to laugh. She still looked pretty even when she cried. When the bus began to move, she had this frightened look on her face. I almost got off the bus and ran to her, but then her face calmed and she began to wave at me. She kept waving at me until I could no longer see her. 

I slouched against my seat and closed my eyes as a tear fell.

"I'd rather be drunk right now."


Y'all. This chapter got me so emo. T^T

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