Chapter Sixteen

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Jenny's POV 

"If I were you two, I'd be really nice to me right now." Amanda dusts her skirt before sitting in her seat. 

"Why should I? You're never nice to me." Kat complained while filing her nails. 

The two of them continued their conversation by arguing who has done more good deeds. Each listing every good thing they did for the entire day, things they should do without being asked. What sucks about this situation is that I'm right in the middle of it, literally. Amanda sits infront of me, while Kat sits behind me. 

Oh, do you guys still remember them? I think I introduced them around chapter 10 but they haven't appeared in the last few chapters (thank God). 

I ignore the two and continued playing around with my phone, waiting for the last 15 minutes of class to be over. Eventually, their argument came to an end, thanks to Amanda.

"Anyways," Amanda begins, "I'm saying be nice to me or you won't be coming to GOT7's fanmeet." 

"What are you talking about?" Kat yawned, stretching her arms.

"Do I have to explain everything to you?" Amanda whined. "I'm saying I got passes to GOT7's private fanmeet this Sunday and I was thinking of giving them to you guys, but.. it seems you're not interested so.." Amanda flipped her hair.

"What the heck are you talking about? Of course I'm interested!" Kat practically shrieked. "Oh my gosh, I'm gonna meet GOT7 upclose this weekend. I can't wait! Jenny! Why aren't you screaming with me?!" 

"Huh? I can't. I have to-" 

"Don't tell me you have plans." Amanda asserted. The tone of her voice somehow made me shiver. In the short amount of time I've known Amanda since entering this school, I know enough to not get on her bad side. 

"Are you kidding me Jenny? How do you always seems to already have plans when we invite you to hang out?" Amanda stood up from her seat and placed her hands on her hips. 

"She's right! You didn't even meet up with us at the bonfire like we promised! I thought we were friends?" Kat echoed. "Friends are suppose to experience stuff together. Let's go to the fanmeet? Hm?" Kat pouted. 

Ugh. I hate it when she does that. 

"Come on Jenny.. please?" she puffed her cheeks and widened her eyes. She looked like a chipmunk.

"Alright, alright! I'll go already.." The bell rang (finally) and students began to gather their things and head home.

"Yay!" Kat chirped. "See you guys Sunday!" She grabbed her bag and skipped to the door.

"Wear something pretty. Don't embarrass me." Amanda waved goodbye, following Kat. 

I didn't have the energy to argue back so I just gathered my belongings and headed home.


[The next day, Saturday]

Jenny's POV

"Are you sure you don't wanna come to the fanmeet with us?" Jr. sat beside me in the couch, all dressed up and pretty for the fanmeet while I was still in pajamas. 

I've decided not to tell them about the fanmeet because it would obviously bring unwanted attention, so I've pretended to have other plans. Well, it's not like I'm lying to him. It is true, I do have plans, but I don't have to tell him what my plans are exactly, right?

"Yeah, sorry I can't make it. My friends are gonna pick me up in about an hour, I've already promised." Jr. reached for my hand and held it tightly. He rested his head on my shoulder, which he only did when the others weren't around. 

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