Chapter Eleven

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Do you ever go on Youtube and think to yourself, "Hmm, I feel like watching a music video today." Then 5 hours later you find yourself watching a documentary on real life host clubs in Japan. 

"Jenny noona, what are you gonna do for the rest of the day?" Yugyeom asked, his head poking at the edge of my door. 


I was sitting on my futon, wrapped in my blanket, my phone in my hand as I watched The Great Happiness Space: Tale of an Osaka Love Thief. (A/N: I recommend you guys watch this! It definitely changed my point of view of host clubs.. I crey everytime lol)

"You've been in bed all day.." Yugyeom whined. "Let's go do something fun!"

"Does it involve Chansung oppa?"


"Then count me ouuut."

"Noona!" Yugyeom yelled. 

"Alright! Alright! I'm up!" I replied in defeat as I stood up from the covers. I'll just finish this documentary later.

"Good. I'll wait for you in the car then!" 

"Wait, Yugyeom! Where are we go-" I was too late. The tall boy had already closed the door behind him before I could even finish my question.

"Ahh. What a pain." 


After 30 minutes of getting ready, I walked out of the driveway and found it empty.

"What the hell? Where is he?" I was about to call Yugyeom and tell him how dare he make me get ready if he was going to leave me anyways when I heard a cough behind me. 

"JESUS CHRIST. Oh, it's you. Hi." 

"Hey Jenny."

After hearing him say my name, I felt a pinch in my heart. 

"Where's everyone?" 

"They left about 10 minutes ago." 

"WHAT?! WHERE DID THEY GO?" I don't know why I'm overreacting and screaming. All I know is that somehow, being along with Jr. makes me nervous that I have to yell. 

"Uhmm, I honestly don't know. They told me to wait here and they haven't returned since." 

"Yugyeom told me he was going to wait for me in the car.. let me call him." 

"Hi! This is Yugyeomie! And Bambam!" *giggles* "Sorry I can't answer your call right now. Just leave a message and I'll call you back ASAP!" *more giggling*

"Did he answer?"

"No. But I did get to talk to his voicemail." 

"Well, since both of us are all dressed up, why don't we go somewhere?" He stared at me for a moment and when our eyes met, he began to blush.

"As-as friends of course! Not a date! Unless you don't mind it being a date.." He mumbled the rest but I could still hear him.

"Why not?" I smiled. 


"I can't believe you beat me 4 times in a row!" 

"I told you, I'm a master at racing." 

"I'll beat you next time."

"I'm looking forward to that!" I smiled as Jr. and I walked at the same pace, each with an ice cream cone in our hand. 

We spent our day together at an arcade playing street fighter then racing games. Which I happened to be very skilled at. 

"Wanna call it a day?" I asked him. I actually want to walk around more, but it's better to ask his opinion before dragging him around.

"Yea.. I'm kinda beat."

"Tired from all the losing?" I teased him.

"Hmm.." he thought for a moment. "Yea." 

We waited at the bus stop laughing our butts off at almost anything. It earned us weird looks from strangers but we didn't care. I was having too much fun to give a damn about what anyone thought of me.

"Oh, here comes the bus." The bus stopped infront of us and we stepped inside. Jr. sat in an empty seat and patted the seat next to him. I was about to sit down when a girl pushed me forward and sat next to Jr.

This bitch.. I thought.

I was left sitting alone behind them. I could see the girl practically throwing herself at Jr, shamelessly flirting with him. And guess what he did? He laughed. He laughed! What the hell was he laughing for? What was so funny? Is her face funny? Is that why he's laughing? 

Wait a minute.. why am I getting all worked up over this? I don't care. I don't give a damn who flirts with Jr.. (A/N: Shut up, Jenny. You obviously care) 

"Hmph!" I crossed my arms infront of my chest and looked out the window. I could still hear the girl's annoying voice. 

"Excuse me.." 

I felt the seat next to me become occupied. 

"Hey Jenny." Jr. smiled at me. 

"Woah..woah. Why are you crying?!" I stared at Jr. who was obviously panicking in his seat. 

"I'm not.. crying." I said in between sniffs. 

"You obviously are! Here." I stared at Jr. as he whiped away my tears (and snot, ew). Instead of feeling embarrassed, I felt like I was being flooded with warmth as Jr. wrapped his arms around me. 

"Don't cry.." He patted my head. I burried my face into his neck and sobbed some more. He smelled soooo good. 

We stayed like that for the entire ride home. Jr. hugging me while my face nuzzling his neck.

"This was a really nice date." I murmured into his neck.


"It's nothing.. I didn't say anything."

I don't really know myself why I suddenly bursted into tears like that. All I know is that I really like Jr. 

A lot. 


Mushi mushi. Angela desu. Lol. 

This chapter felt so shoujo manga-y. I think the reason why Jenny suddenly cried out of nowhere (scaring the shit out of people) is bcos I've been reading so much shoujo manga. HAHA. 

This chapter's question is: What is your hobby? (besides crying on wattpad of course) or what are your plans for Christmas?

Comment your answers below! 

Oh and if you guys don't mind.. Follow me on twitter @_angelavarona 

Witness me cry and complain about everything. If you do decide to follow me on twitter, pls talk to me. I don't have any friends. 

Well then, toodles! xoxo

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