Author's Note

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I've been getting a lot of messages regarding Jinyoung and the fact that throughout this story I've been calling him Junior. 

Just a reminder that I started this fanfic during the summer of 2014, WHEN JINYOUNG'S NAME WAS STILL JUNIOR. 

So leave me alone. Jk. I'm gonna call Jinyoung by his real name in the next chapters so... 

And also, I know that I originally told you guys that I couldn't finish this story, but I've changed my mind. I tried to start writing another story but I couldn't stop thinking about this one, I felt bad towards Mark. He and Jenny never really got together. T^T 

So now I'm trying to write a lot of chapters all at once for you guys and I hope you'll like them. I'm also really really sorry that I'm such a bad author and I hate to say this but I'm just another fan who also has a life and is also lazy. So if you're expecting regular updates... I'M SORRY. I'm really trying my best.

If you're still reading up to this point, I love you and I hope you have a great day because you deserve it!

Love, Angela

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