Summer with the Scrubbs | Edmund Pevensie

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Requested: by JinnieViaYunalove I'm really sorry this is so late, I started writing something completely different but I wasn't proud of it so I restarted and wrote this. It's really short, but I just wanted to get it done. If you want a part two or something just lmk

Warnings: none

Special Details: modern AU; I live in the US, and have never been out of the country, so I'm writing this as if they are in the US because I don't really know any different, sorry!


"Any plans for the summer?" Edmund grinned, looking at his girlfriend, Y/n L/n. The two were at lunch during the last week of their junior year of high school.

"Not that I know of, probably binge watch lots of movies, cry over lots of books, you know, same old. What about you?"

"I dunno, my parents mentioned something about Lucy and I staying with my cousin for a bit while they visit Peter and Susan, but I don't know if that's official yet."

"You don't sound too pleased about that." She noticed, and furrowed her eyebrows as if to ask 'why'.

"Yeah," he sighed, "my cousin's a bit of a f-" he stopped as a teacher walked past them, "a not-so-pleasant human being." He gave Y/n a cheeky smile while she rolled her eyes.

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch and the couple said a quick good-bye to each other as they headed off to classes in opposite directions.


"Well I have good news and bad news." Edmund said, sitting down across from Y/n at lunch the next day.

"Bad news first." She said with a worried look.

"Alright, the bad news is that I officially have to stay with my cousin over the summer." She scoffed at his dramatics.

"And the good news?" She asked.

"Well I talked to my parents, who talked to your parents, who said it would be alright if you came with us." He said, though it came out more as a question.

"I'd love to!" She smiled.

"You'd have to share a room with Lucy of course, seeing as I'll be sharing a room with Eustace, but it's two weeks at the end of July where you won't be bored out of your mind, so there's that."

"Who's to say I won't still be bored out of my mind?"

"Well, I mean, I'll be there so..." He laughed, as did she.


"You have your phone and a charger?" Y/n's mom asked, still not 100% sure about her daughter spending two weeks away with her boyfriend.

"Yes, mom, I'll be fine." She reassured her mom for what felt like the millionth time. She heard knock on the door. "That's them!" She smiled, rushing toward the door. She opened it and was met with the smiling faces of the youngest two Pevensies.

The two helped Y/n take her stuff to their car, she said one final goodbye to her parents, and they were off, Edmund driving, Y/n sitting shotgun, and Lucy in the back row.

Once the trio finally arrived at their destination, it was almost three in the morning, so they went inside (the door having been left unlocked by their aunt), and went to bed as quickly and quietly as possible.

Y/n went to bed both excited, and a little nervous, about what adventures the next two weeks would bring.

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